{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.TLS.Handshake.Client
( handshakeClient
, handshakeClientWith
) where
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.State hiding (getNegotiatedProtocol)
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Wire (encodeWord16)
import Network.TLS.Util (bytesEq, catchException)
import Network.TLS.Types
import Network.TLS.X509
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Common
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Process
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Certificate
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
handshakeClientWith :: ClientParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
handshakeClientWith cparams ctx HelloRequest = handshakeClient cparams ctx
handshakeClientWith _ _ _ = throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unexpected handshake message received in handshakeClientWith", True, HandshakeFailure)
handshakeClient :: ClientParams -> Context -> IO ()
handshakeClient cparams ctx = do
updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
sentExtensions <- sendClientHello
recvServerHello sentExtensions
sessionResuming <- usingState_ ctx isSessionResuming
if sessionResuming
then sendChangeCipherAndFinish sendMaybeNPN ctx ClientRole
else do sendClientData cparams ctx
sendChangeCipherAndFinish sendMaybeNPN ctx ClientRole
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
where ciphers = ctxCiphers ctx
compressions = supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx
getExtensions = sequence [sniExtension,secureReneg,npnExtention] >>= return . catMaybes
toExtensionRaw :: Extension e => e -> ExtensionRaw
toExtensionRaw ext = (extensionID ext, extensionEncode ext)
secureReneg =
if supportedSecureRenegotiation $ ctxSupported ctx
then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData ClientRole) >>= \vd -> return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ SecureRenegotiation vd Nothing
else return Nothing
npnExtention = if isJust $ onNPNServerSuggest $ clientHooks cparams
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ NextProtocolNegotiation []
else return Nothing
sniExtension = if clientUseServerNameIndication cparams
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ ServerName [ServerNameHostName $ fst $ clientServerIdentification cparams]
else return Nothing
sendClientHello = do
crand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ClientRandom
let clientSession = Session . maybe Nothing (Just . fst) $ clientWantSessionResume cparams
highestVer = maximum $ supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx
extensions <- getExtensions
startHandshake ctx highestVer crand
usingState_ ctx $ setVersionIfUnset highestVer
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake
[ ClientHello highestVer crand clientSession (map cipherID ciphers)
(map compressionID compressions) extensions Nothing
return $ map fst extensions
sendMaybeNPN = do
suggest <- usingState_ ctx $ getServerNextProtocolSuggest
case (onNPNServerSuggest $ clientHooks cparams, suggest) of
(Just io, Just protos) -> do proto <- liftIO $ io protos
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [HsNextProtocolNegotiation proto])
usingState_ ctx $ setNegotiatedProtocol proto
(Just _, Nothing) -> return ()
(Nothing, _) -> return ()
recvServerHello sentExts = runRecvState ctx recvState
where recvState = RecvStateNext $ \p ->
case p of
Handshake hs -> onRecvStateHandshake ctx (RecvStateHandshake $ onServerHello ctx cparams sentExts) hs
Alert a ->
case a of
[(AlertLevel_Warning, UnrecognizedName)] ->
if clientUseServerNameIndication cparams
then return recvState
else throwAlert a
_ -> throwAlert a
_ -> fail ("unexepected type received. expecting handshake and got: " ++ show p)
throwAlert a = usingState_ ctx $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("expecting server hello, got alert : " ++ show a, True, HandshakeFailure)
sendClientData :: ClientParams -> Context -> IO ()
sendClientData cparams ctx = sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertificateVerify
sendCertificate = do
certRequested <- usingHState ctx getClientCertRequest
case certRequested of
Nothing ->
return ()
Just req -> do
certChain <- liftIO $ (onCertificateRequest $ clientHooks cparams) req `catchException`
throwMiscErrorOnException "certificate request callback failed"
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertSent False
case certChain of
Nothing -> sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates (CertificateChain [])]
Just (CertificateChain [], _) -> sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates (CertificateChain [])]
Just (cc@(CertificateChain (c:_)), pk) -> do
case certPubKey $ getCertificate c of
PubKeyRSA _ -> return ()
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no supported certificate type", True, HandshakeFailure)
usingHState ctx $ setPrivateKey pk
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertSent True
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates cc]
sendClientKeyXchg = do
cipher <- usingHState ctx getPendingCipher
ckx <- case cipherKeyExchange cipher of
CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> do
clientVersion <- usingHState ctx $ gets hstClientVersion
(xver, prerand) <- usingState_ ctx $ (,) <$> getVersion <*> genRandom 46
let premaster = encodePreMasterSecret clientVersion prerand
usingHState ctx $ setMasterSecretFromPre xver ClientRole premaster
encryptedPreMaster <- do
e <- encryptRSA ctx premaster
let extra = if xver < TLS10
then B.empty
else encodeWord16 $ fromIntegral $ B.length e
return $ extra `B.append` e
return $ CKX_RSA encryptedPreMaster
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> getCKX_DHE
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> getCKX_DHE
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("client key exchange unsupported type", True, HandshakeFailure)
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ClientKeyXchg ckx]
where getCKX_DHE = do
xver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
(ServerDHParams dhparams serverDHPub) <- fromJust <$> usingHState ctx (gets hstServerDHParams)
(clientDHPriv, clientDHPub) <- generateDHE ctx dhparams
let premaster = dhGetShared dhparams clientDHPriv serverDHPub
usingHState ctx $ setMasterSecretFromPre xver ClientRole premaster
return $ CKX_DH clientDHPub
sendCertificateVerify = do
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
certSent <- usingHState ctx $ getClientCertSent
case certSent of
True -> do
malg <- case usedVersion of
TLS12 -> do
Just (_, Just hashSigs, _) <- usingHState ctx $ getClientCertRequest
let suppHashSigs = supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx
hashSigs' = filter (\ a -> a `elem` hashSigs) suppHashSigs
when (null hashSigs') $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no hash/signature algorithms in common with the server", True, HandshakeFailure)
return $ Just $ head hashSigs'
_ -> return Nothing
msgs <- usingHState ctx $ B.concat <$> getHandshakeMessages
(hashMethod, toSign) <- prepareCertificateVerifySignatureData ctx usedVersion malg msgs
sigDig <- signatureCreate ctx malg hashMethod toSign
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [CertVerify sigDig]
_ -> return ()
processServerExtension :: (ExtensionID, Bytes) -> TLSSt ()
processServerExtension (0xff01, content) = do
cv <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
sv <- getVerifiedData ServerRole
let bs = extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cv $ Just sv)
unless (bs `bytesEq` content) $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("server secure renegotiation data not matching", True, HandshakeFailure)
return ()
processServerExtension _ = return ()
throwMiscErrorOnException :: String -> SomeException -> IO a
throwMiscErrorOnException msg e =
throwCore $ Error_Misc $ msg ++ ": " ++ show e
onServerHello :: Context -> ClientParams -> [ExtensionID] -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
onServerHello ctx cparams sentExts (ServerHello rver serverRan serverSession cipher compression exts) = do
when (rver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
case find ((==) rver) (supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server version " ++ show rver ++ " is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just _ -> return ()
cipherAlg <- case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) (ctxCiphers ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server choose unknown cipher", True, HandshakeFailure)
Just alg -> return alg
compressAlg <- case find ((==) compression . compressionID) (supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server choose unknown compression", True, HandshakeFailure)
Just alg -> return alg
when (not $ null $ filter (not . flip elem sentExts . fst) exts) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("spurious extensions received", True, UnsupportedExtension)
let resumingSession =
case clientWantSessionResume cparams of
Just (sessionId, sessionData) -> if serverSession == Session (Just sessionId) then Just sessionData else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
usingState_ ctx $ do
setSession serverSession (isJust resumingSession)
mapM_ processServerExtension exts
setVersion rver
usingHState ctx $ setServerHelloParameters rver serverRan cipherAlg compressAlg
case extensionDecode False `fmap` (lookup extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation exts) of
Just (Just (NextProtocolNegotiation protos)) -> usingState_ ctx $ do
setExtensionNPN True
setServerNextProtocolSuggest protos
_ -> return ()
case resumingSession of
Nothing -> return $ RecvStateHandshake (processCertificate cparams ctx)
Just sessionData -> do
usingHState ctx (setMasterSecret rver ClientRole $ sessionSecret sessionData)
return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
onServerHello _ _ _ p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello")
processCertificate :: ClientParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
processCertificate cparams ctx (Certificates certs) = do
ctxWithHooks ctx (\hooks -> hookRecvCertificates hooks $ certs)
usage <- catchException (wrapCertificateChecks <$> checkCert) rejectOnException
case usage of
CertificateUsageAccept -> return ()
CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
return $ RecvStateHandshake (processServerKeyExchange ctx)
where shared = clientShared cparams
checkCert = (onServerCertificate $ clientHooks cparams) (sharedCAStore shared)
(sharedValidationCache shared)
(clientServerIdentification cparams)
processCertificate _ ctx p = processServerKeyExchange ctx p
expectChangeCipher :: Packet -> IO (RecvState IO)
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
expectChangeCipher p = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
expectFinish :: Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
expectFinish p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")
processServerKeyExchange :: Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
processServerKeyExchange ctx (ServerKeyXchg origSkx) = do
cipher <- usingHState ctx getPendingCipher
processWithCipher cipher origSkx
return $ RecvStateHandshake (processCertificateRequest ctx)
where processWithCipher cipher skx =
case (cipherKeyExchange cipher, skx) of
(CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA, SKX_DHE_RSA dhparams signature) -> do
doDHESignature dhparams signature SignatureRSA
(CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS, SKX_DHE_DSS dhparams signature) -> do
doDHESignature dhparams signature SignatureDSS
(cke, SKX_Unparsed bytes) -> do
ver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
case decodeReallyServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData ver cke bytes of
Left _ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unknown server key exchange received, expecting: " ++ show cke, True, HandshakeFailure)
Right realSkx -> processWithCipher cipher realSkx
(c,_) -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unknown server key exchange received, expecting: " ++ show c, True, HandshakeFailure)
doDHESignature dhparams signature signatureType = do
expectedData <- generateSignedDHParams ctx dhparams
verified <- signatureVerify ctx signatureType expectedData signature
when (not verified) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("bad " ++ show signatureType ++ " for dhparams", True, HandshakeFailure)
usingHState ctx $ setServerDHParams dhparams
processServerKeyExchange ctx p = processCertificateRequest ctx p
processCertificateRequest :: Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
processCertificateRequest ctx (CertRequest cTypes sigAlgs dNames) = do
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertRequest (cTypes, sigAlgs, dNames)
return $ RecvStateHandshake (processServerHelloDone ctx)
processCertificateRequest ctx p = processServerHelloDone ctx p
processServerHelloDone :: Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState m)
processServerHelloDone _ ServerHelloDone = return RecvStateDone
processServerHelloDone _ p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello data")