module Network.TLS.Handshake.Process
( processHandshake
, startHandshake
, getHandshakeDigest
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import Network.TLS.Types (Role(..), invertRole)
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Data.X509 (CertificateChain(..), Certificate(..), getCertificate)
processHandshake :: Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
processHandshake ctx hs = do
role <- usingState_ ctx isClientContext
case hs of
ClientHello cver ran _ _ _ ex _ -> when (role == ServerRole) $ do
mapM_ (usingState_ ctx . processClientExtension) ex
startHandshake ctx cver ran
Certificates certs -> processCertificates role certs
ClientKeyXchg content -> when (role == ServerRole) $ do
processClientKeyXchg ctx content
HsNextProtocolNegotiation selected_protocol ->
when (role == ServerRole) $ usingState_ ctx $ setNegotiatedProtocol selected_protocol
Finished fdata -> processClientFinished ctx fdata
_ -> return ()
let encoded = encodeHandshake hs
when (certVerifyHandshakeMaterial hs) $ usingHState ctx $ addHandshakeMessage encoded
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial $ typeOfHandshake hs) $ usingHState ctx $ updateHandshakeDigest encoded
processClientExtension (0xff01, content) = do
v <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
let bs = extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation v Nothing)
unless (bs `bytesEq` content) $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("client verified data not matching: " ++ show v ++ ":" ++ show content, True, HandshakeFailure)
setSecureRenegotiation True
processClientExtension _ = return ()
processCertificates :: Role -> CertificateChain -> IO ()
processCertificates ServerRole (CertificateChain []) = return ()
processCertificates ClientRole (CertificateChain []) =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server certificate missing", True, HandshakeFailure)
processCertificates _ (CertificateChain (c:_)) =
usingHState ctx $ setPublicKey pubkey
where pubkey = certPubKey $ getCertificate c
processClientKeyXchg :: Context -> ClientKeyXchgAlgorithmData -> IO ()
processClientKeyXchg ctx (CKX_RSA encryptedPremaster) = do
(rver, role, random) <- usingState_ ctx $ do
(,,) <$> getVersion <*> isClientContext <*> genRandom 48
ePremaster <- decryptRSA ctx encryptedPremaster
usingHState ctx $ do
expectedVer <- gets hstClientVersion
case ePremaster of
Left _ -> setMasterSecretFromPre rver role random
Right premaster -> case decodePreMasterSecret premaster of
Left _ -> setMasterSecretFromPre rver role random
Right (ver, _)
| ver /= expectedVer -> setMasterSecretFromPre rver role random
| otherwise -> setMasterSecretFromPre rver role premaster
processClientKeyXchg ctx (CKX_DH clientDHValue) = do
rver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
role <- usingState_ ctx isClientContext
(ServerDHParams dhparams _) <- fromJust "server dh params" <$> usingHState ctx (gets hstServerDHParams)
dhpriv <- fromJust "dh private" <$> usingHState ctx (gets hstDHPrivate)
let premaster = dhGetShared dhparams dhpriv clientDHValue
usingHState ctx $ setMasterSecretFromPre rver role premaster
processClientFinished :: Context -> FinishedData -> IO ()
processClientFinished ctx fdata = do
(cc,ver) <- usingState_ ctx $ (,) <$> isClientContext <*> getVersion
expected <- usingHState ctx $ getHandshakeDigest ver $ invertRole cc
when (expected /= fdata) $ do
throwCore $ Error_Protocol("bad record mac", True, BadRecordMac)
usingState_ ctx $ updateVerifiedData ServerRole fdata
return ()
startHandshake :: Context -> Version -> ClientRandom -> IO ()
startHandshake ctx ver crand = do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ (ctxHandshake ctx) $ \hs ->
case hs of
Nothing -> return $ Just $ newEmptyHandshake ver crand
Just _ -> return hs