{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Text.Blaze.Tests
( tests
) where
import Prelude hiding (div, id, null)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Char (ord)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Test.Framework (Test)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, (@=?))
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBC
import Text.Blaze.Internal
import Text.Blaze.Tests.Util
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ testProperty "left identity Monoid law" monoidLeftIdentity
, testProperty "right identity Monoid law" monoidRightIdentity
, testProperty "associativity Monoid law" monoidAssociativity
, testProperty "mconcat Monoid law" monoidConcat
, testProperty "post escaping characters" postEscapingCharacters
, testProperty "valid UTF-8" isValidUtf8
, testProperty "external </ sequence" externalEndSequence
, testProperty "well nested <>" wellNestedBrackets
, testProperty "unsafeByteString id" unsafeByteStringId
, testCase "conditional attributes" conditionalAttributes
, testCase "contents 1" contents1
, testCase "empty 1" empty1
, testCase "empty 2" empty2
monoidLeftIdentity :: Markup -> Bool
monoidLeftIdentity h = (return () >> h) == h
monoidRightIdentity :: Markup -> Bool
monoidRightIdentity h = (h >> return ()) == h
monoidAssociativity :: Markup -> Markup -> Markup -> Bool
monoidAssociativity x y z = (x >> (y >> z)) == ((x >> y) >> z)
monoidConcat :: [Markup] -> Bool
monoidConcat xs = sequence_ xs == foldr (>>) (return ()) xs
postEscapingCharacters :: String -> Bool
postEscapingCharacters str =
LB.all (`notElem` forbidden) $ renderUsingUtf8 (string str)
forbidden = map (fromIntegral . ord) "\"'<>"
isValidUtf8 :: Markup -> Bool
isValidUtf8 = isValidUtf8' . LB.unpack . renderUsingUtf8
isIn x y z = (x <= z) && (z <= y)
isValidUtf8' :: [Word8] -> Bool
isValidUtf8' [] = True
isValidUtf8' (x:t)
| isIn 0x00 0x7f x = isValidUtf8' t
| isIn 0xc0 0xdf x = case t of
(y:t') -> isIn 0x80 0xbf y && isValidUtf8' t'
_ -> False
| isIn 0xe0 0xef x = case t of
(y:z:t') -> all (isIn 0x80 0xbf) [y, z] && isValidUtf8' t'
_ -> False
| isIn 0xf0 0xf7 x = case t of
(y:z:u:t') -> all (isIn 0x80 0xbf) [y, z, u] && isValidUtf8' t'
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
unsafeByteStringId :: [Word8] -> Bool
unsafeByteStringId ws =
LB.pack ws == renderUsingUtf8 (unsafeByteString $ SB.pack ws)
externalEndSequence :: String -> Bool
externalEndSequence = not . List.isInfixOf "</" . LBC.unpack
. renderUsingUtf8 . external . string
wellNestedBrackets :: Markup -> Bool
wellNestedBrackets = wellNested False . LBC.unpack . renderUsingUtf8
wellNested isOpen [] = not isOpen
wellNested isOpen (x:xs) = case x of
'<' -> if isOpen then False else wellNested True xs
'>' -> if isOpen then wellNested False xs else False
_ -> wellNested isOpen xs
conditionalAttributes :: Assertion
conditionalAttributes =
"<p class=\"foo\">Hello</p><p id=\"2nd\">World</p>" @=? renderUsingUtf8 html
html = do
p !? (4 > length [()], class_ "foo") $ "Hello"
p !? (List.null [()], class_ "bar") !? (True, id "2nd") $ "World"
contents1 :: Assertion
contents1 = "Hello World!" @=? renderUsingUtf8 (contents html)
html :: Markup
html = div $ do
p ! id "para" $ "Hello "
img ! name "An image"
p "World!"
empty1 :: Assertion
empty1 = True @=? null html
html :: Markup
html = do
empty2 :: Assertion
empty2 = False @=? null html
html :: Markup
html = "" `mappend` "" `mappend` p "a"
instance Show Markup where
show = show . renderUsingUtf8
instance Eq Markup where
x == y = renderUsingString x == renderUsingString y
&& renderUsingText x == renderUsingText y
&& renderUsingUtf8 x == renderUsingUtf8 y
&& renderUsingString x == renderUsingText y
&& renderUsingText x == renderUsingUtf8 y
instance Arbitrary Markup where
arbitrary = arbitraryMarkup 4
arbitraryMarkup :: Int
-> Gen Markup
arbitraryMarkup depth = do
size <- choose (0, 3)
children <- replicateM size arbitraryChild
return $ sequence_ children
arbitraryChild = do
child <- oneof $ [arbitraryLeaf, arbitraryString, return mempty]
++ [arbitraryParent | depth > 0]
size <- choose (0, 4)
attributes <- replicateM size arbitraryAttribute
return $ foldl (!) child attributes
arbitraryParent = do
parent <- elements [p, div, table]
parent <$> arbitraryMarkup (depth - 1)
arbitraryLeaf = oneof $ map return [img, br, area]
arbitraryString = do
s <- arbitrary
return $ string s
arbitraryAttribute = do
attr <- elements [id, class_, name]
value <- arbitrary
return $ attr $ stringValue value