{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module System.Console.GetOpt (
getOpt, getOpt',
) where
import Prelude
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, find )
data ArgOrder a
= RequireOrder
| Permute
| ReturnInOrder (String -> a)
data OptDescr a =
Option [Char]
(ArgDescr a)
data ArgDescr a
= NoArg a
| ReqArg (String -> a) String
| OptArg (Maybe String -> a) String
instance Functor ArgOrder where
fmap _ RequireOrder = RequireOrder
fmap _ Permute = Permute
fmap f (ReturnInOrder g) = ReturnInOrder (f . g)
instance Functor OptDescr where
fmap f (Option a b argDescr c) = Option a b (fmap f argDescr) c
instance Functor ArgDescr where
fmap f (NoArg a) = NoArg (f a)
fmap f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (f . g) s
fmap f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (f . g) s
data OptKind a
= Opt a
| UnreqOpt String
| NonOpt String
| EndOfOpts
| OptErr String
usageInfo :: String
-> [OptDescr a]
-> String
usageInfo header optDescr = unlines (header:table)
where (ss,ls,ds) = (unzip3 . concatMap fmtOpt) optDescr
table = zipWith3 paste (sameLen ss) (sameLen ls) ds
paste x y z = " " ++ x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z
sameLen xs = flushLeft ((maximum . map length) xs) xs
flushLeft n xs = [ take n (x ++ repeat ' ') | x <- xs ]
fmtOpt :: OptDescr a -> [(String,String,String)]
fmtOpt (Option sos los ad descr) =
case lines descr of
[] -> [(sosFmt,losFmt,"")]
(d:ds) -> (sosFmt,losFmt,d) : [ ("","",d') | d' <- ds ]
where sepBy _ [] = ""
sepBy _ [x] = x
sepBy ch (x:xs) = x ++ ch:' ':sepBy ch xs
sosFmt = sepBy ',' (map (fmtShort ad) sos)
losFmt = sepBy ',' (map (fmtLong ad) los)
fmtShort :: ArgDescr a -> Char -> String
fmtShort (NoArg _ ) so = "-" ++ [so]
fmtShort (ReqArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ [so] ++ " " ++ ad
fmtShort (OptArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ [so] ++ "[" ++ ad ++ "]"
fmtLong :: ArgDescr a -> String -> String
fmtLong (NoArg _ ) lo = "--" ++ lo
fmtLong (ReqArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "=" ++ ad
fmtLong (OptArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "[=" ++ ad ++ "]"
getOpt :: ArgOrder a
-> [OptDescr a]
-> [String]
-> ([a],[String],[String])
getOpt ordering optDescr args = (os,xs,es ++ map errUnrec us)
where (os,xs,us,es) = getOpt' ordering optDescr args
getOpt' :: ArgOrder a
-> [OptDescr a]
-> [String]
-> ([a],[String], [String] ,[String])
getOpt' _ _ [] = ([],[],[],[])
getOpt' ordering optDescr (arg:args) = procNextOpt opt ordering
where procNextOpt (Opt o) _ = (o:os,xs,us,es)
procNextOpt (UnreqOpt u) _ = (os,xs,u:us,es)
procNextOpt (NonOpt x) RequireOrder = ([],x:rest,[],[])
procNextOpt (NonOpt x) Permute = (os,x:xs,us,es)
procNextOpt (NonOpt x) (ReturnInOrder f) = (f x :os, xs,us,es)
procNextOpt EndOfOpts RequireOrder = ([],rest,[],[])
procNextOpt EndOfOpts Permute = ([],rest,[],[])
procNextOpt EndOfOpts (ReturnInOrder f) = (map f rest,[],[],[])
procNextOpt (OptErr e) _ = (os,xs,us,e:es)
(opt,rest) = getNext arg args optDescr
(os,xs,us,es) = getOpt' ordering optDescr rest
getNext :: String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
getNext ('-':'-':[]) rest _ = (EndOfOpts,rest)
getNext ('-':'-':xs) rest optDescr = longOpt xs rest optDescr
getNext ('-': x :xs) rest optDescr = shortOpt x xs rest optDescr
getNext a rest _ = (NonOpt a,rest)
longOpt :: String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
longOpt ls rs optDescr = long ads arg rs
where (opt,arg) = break (=='=') ls
getWith p = [ o | o@(Option _ xs _ _) <- optDescr
, find (p opt) xs /= Nothing ]
exact = getWith (==)
options = if null exact then getWith isPrefixOf else exact
ads = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
optStr = ("--"++opt)
long (_:_:_) _ rest = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
long [NoArg a ] [] rest = (Opt a,rest)
long [NoArg _ ] ('=':_) rest = (errNoArg optStr,rest)
long [ReqArg _ d] [] [] = (errReq d optStr,[])
long [ReqArg f _] [] (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
long [ReqArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (Opt (f xs),rest)
long [OptArg f _] [] rest = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
long [OptArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (Opt (f (Just xs)),rest)
long _ _ rest = (UnreqOpt ("--"++ls),rest)
shortOpt :: Char -> String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
shortOpt y ys rs optDescr = short ads ys rs
where options = [ o | o@(Option ss _ _ _) <- optDescr, s <- ss, y == s ]
ads = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
optStr = '-':[y]
short (_:_:_) _ rest = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
short (NoArg a :_) [] rest = (Opt a,rest)
short (NoArg a :_) xs rest = (Opt a,('-':xs):rest)
short (ReqArg _ d:_) [] [] = (errReq d optStr,[])
short (ReqArg f _:_) [] (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
short (ReqArg f _:_) xs rest = (Opt (f xs),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) [] rest = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) xs rest = (Opt (f (Just xs)),rest)
short [] [] rest = (UnreqOpt optStr,rest)
short [] xs rest = (UnreqOpt optStr,('-':xs):rest)
errAmbig :: [OptDescr a] -> String -> OptKind a
errAmbig ods optStr = OptErr (usageInfo header ods)
where header = "option `" ++ optStr ++ "' is ambiguous; could be one of:"
errReq :: String -> String -> OptKind a
errReq d optStr = OptErr ("option `" ++ optStr ++ "' requires an argument " ++ d ++ "\n")
errUnrec :: String -> String
errUnrec optStr = "unrecognized option `" ++ optStr ++ "'\n"
errNoArg :: String -> OptKind a
errNoArg optStr = OptErr ("option `" ++ optStr ++ "' doesn't allow an argument\n")