{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Distribution.Simple.Utils (
topHandler, topHandlerWith,
warn, notice, setupMessage, info, debug,
debugNoWrap, chattyTry,
TempFileOptions(..), defaultTempFileOptions,
withTempFile, withTempFileEx,
withTempDirectory, withTempDirectoryEx,
) where
import Control.Monad
( when, unless, filterM )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
( newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar )
import Data.List
( nub, unfoldr, isPrefixOf, tails, intercalate )
import Data.Char as Char
( toLower, chr, ord )
import Data.Bits
( Bits((.|.), (.&.), shiftL, shiftR) )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS.Char8
import System.Directory
( Permissions(executable), getDirectoryContents, getPermissions
, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, removeFile, findExecutable
, getModificationTime )
import System.Environment
( getProgName )
import System.Exit
( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import System.FilePath
( normalise, (</>), (<.>)
, getSearchPath, takeDirectory, splitFileName
, splitExtension, splitExtensions, splitDirectories )
import System.Directory
( createDirectory, renameFile, removeDirectoryRecursive )
import System.IO
( Handle, openFile, openBinaryFile, openBinaryTempFile
, IOMode(ReadMode), hSetBinaryMode
, hGetContents, stdin, stderr, stdout, hPutStr, hFlush, hClose )
import System.IO.Error as IO.Error
( isDoesNotExistError, isAlreadyExistsError
, ioeSetFileName, ioeGetFileName, ioeGetErrorString )
import System.IO.Error
( ioeSetLocation, ioeGetLocation )
import System.IO.Unsafe
( unsafeInterleaveIO )
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Distribution.Text
( display, simpleParse )
import Distribution.Package
( PackageIdentifier )
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.Version
import Control.Exception (IOException, evaluate, throwIO)
import System.Process (rawSystem)
import qualified System.Process as Process (CreateProcess(..))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import System.Process (runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess, proc,
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
import System.Process (showCommandForUser)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Signals (installHandler, sigINT, sigQUIT, Handler(..))
import System.Process.Internals (defaultSignal, runGenProcess_)
import System.Process (createProcess)
import Distribution.Compat.CopyFile
( copyFile, copyOrdinaryFile, copyExecutableFile
, setFileOrdinary, setFileExecutable, setDirOrdinary )
import Distribution.Compat.TempFile
( openTempFile, createTempDirectory )
import Distribution.Compat.Exception
( tryIO, catchIO, catchExit )
import Distribution.Verbosity
#ifdef VERSION_base
import qualified Paths_Cabal (version)
cabalVersion :: Version
#if defined(VERSION_base)
cabalVersion = Paths_Cabal.version
#elif defined(CABAL_VERSION)
cabalVersion = Version [CABAL_VERSION] []
cabalVersion = Version [1,9999] []
dieWithLocation :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> String -> IO a
dieWithLocation filename lineno msg =
ioError . setLocation lineno
. flip ioeSetFileName (normalise filename)
$ userError msg
setLocation Nothing err = err
setLocation (Just n) err = ioeSetLocation err (show n)
die :: String -> IO a
die msg = ioError (userError msg)
topHandlerWith :: (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
topHandlerWith cont prog = catchIO prog handle
handle ioe = do
hFlush stdout
pname <- getProgName
hPutStr stderr (mesage pname)
cont ioe
mesage pname = wrapText (pname ++ ": " ++ file ++ detail)
file = case ioeGetFileName ioe of
Nothing -> ""
Just path -> path ++ location ++ ": "
location = case ioeGetLocation ioe of
l@(n:_) | n >= '0' && n <= '9' -> ':' : l
_ -> ""
detail = ioeGetErrorString ioe
topHandler :: IO a -> IO a
topHandler prog = topHandlerWith (const $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) prog
warn :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
warn verbosity msg =
when (verbosity >= normal) $ do
hFlush stdout
hPutStr stderr (wrapText ("Warning: " ++ msg))
notice :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
notice verbosity msg =
when (verbosity >= normal) $
putStr (wrapText msg)
setupMessage :: Verbosity -> String -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
setupMessage verbosity msg pkgid =
notice verbosity (msg ++ ' ': display pkgid ++ "...")
info :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
info verbosity msg =
when (verbosity >= verbose) $
putStr (wrapText msg)
debug :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
debug verbosity msg =
when (verbosity >= deafening) $ do
putStr (wrapText msg)
hFlush stdout
debugNoWrap :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
debugNoWrap verbosity msg =
when (verbosity >= deafening) $ do
putStrLn msg
hFlush stdout
chattyTry :: String
-> IO ()
-> IO ()
chattyTry desc action =
catchIO action $ \exception ->
putStrLn $ "Error while " ++ desc ++ ": " ++ show exception
wrapText :: String -> String
wrapText = unlines
. map (intercalate "\n"
. map unwords
. wrapLine 79
. words)
. lines
wrapLine :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
wrapLine width = wrap 0 []
where wrap :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [[String]]
wrap 0 [] (w:ws)
| length w + 1 > width
= wrap (length w) [w] ws
wrap col line (w:ws)
| col + length w + 1 > width
= reverse line : wrap 0 [] (w:ws)
wrap col line (w:ws)
= let col' = col + length w + 1
in wrap col' (w:line) ws
wrap _ [] [] = []
wrap _ line [] = [reverse line]
maybeExit :: IO ExitCode -> IO ()
maybeExit cmd = do
res <- cmd
unless (res == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith res
printRawCommandAndArgs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args
| verbosity >= deafening = print (path, args)
| verbosity >= verbose =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
putStrLn $ showCommandForUser path args
putStrLn $ unwords (path : args)
| otherwise = return ()
printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv :: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> [(String, String)]
-> IO ()
printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv verbosity path args env
| verbosity >= deafening = do putStrLn ("Environment: " ++ show env)
print (path, args)
| verbosity >= verbose = putStrLn $ unwords (path : args)
| otherwise = return ()
syncProcess :: String -> Process.CreateProcess -> IO ExitCode
#if mingw32_HOST_OS
syncProcess _fun c = do
(_,_,_,p) <- createProcess c
waitForProcess p
syncProcess fun c = do
r <- Exception.bracket (installHandlers) (restoreHandlers) $
(\_ -> do (_,_,_,p) <- runGenProcess_ fun c
(Just defaultSignal) (Just defaultSignal)
waitForProcess p)
return r
installHandlers = do
old_int <- installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing
old_quit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing
return (old_int, old_quit)
restoreHandlers (old_int, old_quit) = do
_ <- installHandler sigINT old_int Nothing
_ <- installHandler sigQUIT old_quit Nothing
return ()
#endif /* mingw32_HOST_OS */
rawSystemExit :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
rawSystemExit verbosity path args = do
printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args
hFlush stdout
exitcode <- rawSystem path args
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
debug verbosity $ path ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
exitWith exitcode
rawSystemExitCode :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
rawSystemExitCode verbosity path args = do
printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args
hFlush stdout
exitcode <- rawSystem path args
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
debug verbosity $ path ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
return exitcode
rawSystemExitWithEnv :: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> [(String, String)]
-> IO ()
rawSystemExitWithEnv verbosity path args env = do
printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv verbosity path args env
hFlush stdout
exitcode <- syncProcess "rawSystemExitWithEnv" (proc path args)
{ Process.env = Just env }
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
debug verbosity $ path ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
exitWith exitcode
rawSystemIOWithEnv :: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> Maybe Handle
-> Maybe Handle
-> Maybe Handle
-> IO ExitCode
rawSystemIOWithEnv verbosity path args mcwd menv inp out err = do
maybe (printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args)
(printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv verbosity path args) menv
hFlush stdout
exitcode <- syncProcess "rawSystemIOWithEnv" (proc path args)
{ Process.cwd = mcwd
, Process.env = menv
, Process.std_in = mbToStd inp
, Process.std_out = mbToStd out
, Process.std_err = mbToStd err }
`Exception.finally` (mapM_ maybeClose [inp, out, err])
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
debug verbosity $ path ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
return exitcode
maybeClose :: Maybe Handle -> IO ()
maybeClose (Just hdl)
| hdl /= stdin && hdl /= stdout && hdl /= stderr = hClose hdl
maybeClose _ = return ()
mbToStd :: Maybe Handle -> StdStream
mbToStd Nothing = Inherit
mbToStd (Just hdl) = UseHandle hdl
rawSystemStdout :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
rawSystemStdout verbosity path args = do
(output, errors, exitCode) <- rawSystemStdInOut verbosity path args
Nothing Nothing
Nothing False
when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
die errors
return output
rawSystemStdInOut :: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> Maybe (String, Bool)
-> Bool
-> IO (String, String, ExitCode)
rawSystemStdInOut verbosity path args mcwd menv input outputBinary = do
printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args
(runInteractiveProcess path args mcwd menv)
(\(inh,outh,errh,_) -> hClose inh >> hClose outh >> hClose errh)
$ \(inh,outh,errh,pid) -> do
hSetBinaryMode outh outputBinary
hSetBinaryMode errh False
err <- hGetContents errh
out <- hGetContents outh
mv <- newEmptyMVar
let force str = (evaluate (length str) >> return ())
`Exception.finally` putMVar mv ()
_ <- forkIO $ force out
_ <- forkIO $ force err
case input of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (inputStr, inputBinary) -> do
hSetBinaryMode inh inputBinary
hPutStr inh inputStr
hClose inh
takeMVar mv
takeMVar mv
exitcode <- waitForProcess pid
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $
debug verbosity $ path ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
++ if null err then "" else
" with error message:\n" ++ err
++ case input of
Nothing -> ""
Just ("", _) -> ""
Just (inp, _) -> "\nstdin input:\n" ++ inp
return (out, err, exitcode)
findProgramLocation :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findProgramLocation verbosity prog = do
debug verbosity $ "searching for " ++ prog ++ " in path."
res <- findExecutable prog
case res of
Nothing -> debug verbosity ("Cannot find " ++ prog ++ " on the path")
Just path -> debug verbosity ("found " ++ prog ++ " at "++ path)
return res
findProgramVersion :: String
-> (String -> String)
-> Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> IO (Maybe Version)
findProgramVersion versionArg selectVersion verbosity path = do
str <- rawSystemStdout verbosity path [versionArg]
`catchIO` (\_ -> return "")
`catchExit` (\_ -> return "")
let version :: Maybe Version
version = simpleParse (selectVersion str)
case version of
Nothing -> warn verbosity $ "cannot determine version of " ++ path
++ " :\n" ++ show str
Just v -> debug verbosity $ path ++ " is version " ++ display v
return version
xargs :: Int -> ([String] -> IO ())
-> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
xargs maxSize rawSystemFun fixedArgs bigArgs =
let fixedArgSize = sum (map length fixedArgs) + length fixedArgs
chunkSize = maxSize - fixedArgSize
in mapM_ (rawSystemFun . (fixedArgs ++)) (chunks chunkSize bigArgs)
where chunks len = unfoldr $ \s ->
if null s then Nothing
else Just (chunk [] len s)
chunk acc _ [] = (reverse acc,[])
chunk acc len (s:ss)
| len' < len = chunk (s:acc) (len-len'-1) ss
| otherwise = (reverse acc, s:ss)
where len' = length s
findFile :: [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> IO FilePath
findFile searchPath fileName =
findFirstFile id
[ path </> fileName
| path <- nub searchPath]
>>= maybe (die $ fileName ++ " doesn't exist") return
findFileWithExtension :: [String]
-> [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFileWithExtension extensions searchPath baseName =
findFirstFile id
[ path </> baseName <.> ext
| path <- nub searchPath
, ext <- nub extensions ]
findFileWithExtension' :: [String]
-> [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> IO (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath))
findFileWithExtension' extensions searchPath baseName =
findFirstFile (uncurry (</>))
[ (path, baseName <.> ext)
| path <- nub searchPath
, ext <- nub extensions ]
findFirstFile :: (a -> FilePath) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a)
findFirstFile file = findFirst
where findFirst [] = return Nothing
findFirst (x:xs) = do exists <- doesFileExist (file x)
if exists
then return (Just x)
else findFirst xs
findModuleFiles :: [FilePath]
-> [String]
-> [ModuleName]
-> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
findModuleFiles searchPath extensions moduleNames =
mapM (findModuleFile searchPath extensions) moduleNames
findModuleFile :: [FilePath]
-> [String]
-> ModuleName
-> IO (FilePath, FilePath)
findModuleFile searchPath extensions moduleName =
maybe notFound return
=<< findFileWithExtension' extensions searchPath
(ModuleName.toFilePath moduleName)
notFound = die $ "Error: Could not find module: " ++ display moduleName
++ " with any suffix: " ++ show extensions
++ " in the search path: " ++ show searchPath
getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContentsRecursive topdir = recurseDirectories [""]
recurseDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
recurseDirectories [] = return []
recurseDirectories (dir:dirs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
(files, dirs') <- collect [] [] =<< getDirectoryContents (topdir </> dir)
files' <- recurseDirectories (dirs' ++ dirs)
return (files ++ files')
collect files dirs' [] = return (reverse files, reverse dirs')
collect files dirs' (entry:entries) | ignore entry
= collect files dirs' entries
collect files dirs' (entry:entries) = do
let dirEntry = dir </> entry
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (topdir </> dirEntry)
if isDirectory
then collect files (dirEntry:dirs') entries
else collect (dirEntry:files) dirs' entries
ignore ['.'] = True
ignore ['.', '.'] = True
ignore _ = False
isInSearchPath :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isInSearchPath path = fmap (elem path) getSearchPath
data FileGlob
= NoGlob FilePath
| FileGlob FilePath String
parseFileGlob :: FilePath -> Maybe FileGlob
parseFileGlob filepath = case splitExtensions filepath of
(filepath', ext) -> case splitFileName filepath' of
(dir, "*") | '*' `elem` dir
|| '*' `elem` ext
|| null ext -> Nothing
| null dir -> Just (FileGlob "." ext)
| otherwise -> Just (FileGlob dir ext)
_ | '*' `elem` filepath -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (NoGlob filepath)
matchFileGlob :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
matchFileGlob = matchDirFileGlob "."
matchDirFileGlob :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
matchDirFileGlob dir filepath = case parseFileGlob filepath of
Nothing -> die $ "invalid file glob '" ++ filepath
++ "'. Wildcards '*' are only allowed in place of the file"
++ " name, not in the directory name or file extension."
++ " If a wildcard is used it must be with an file extension."
Just (NoGlob filepath') -> return [filepath']
Just (FileGlob dir' ext) -> do
files <- getDirectoryContents (dir </> dir')
case [ dir' </> file
| file <- files
, let (name, ext') = splitExtensions file
, not (null name) && ext' == ext ] of
[] -> die $ "filepath wildcard '" ++ filepath
++ "' does not match any files."
matches -> return matches
moreRecentFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
moreRecentFile a b = do
exists <- doesFileExist b
if not exists
then return True
else do tb <- getModificationTime b
ta <- getModificationTime a
return (ta > tb)
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose :: Verbosity
-> Bool
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity create_parents path0
| create_parents = createDirs (parents path0)
| otherwise = createDirs (take 1 (parents path0))
parents = reverse . scanl1 (</>) . splitDirectories . normalise
createDirs [] = return ()
createDirs (dir:[]) = createDir dir throwIO
createDirs (dir:dirs) =
createDir dir $ \_ -> do
createDirs dirs
createDir dir throwIO
createDir :: FilePath -> (IOException -> IO ()) -> IO ()
createDir dir notExistHandler = do
r <- tryIO $ createDirectoryVerbose verbosity dir
case (r :: Either IOException ()) of
Right () -> return ()
Left e
| isDoesNotExistError e -> notExistHandler e
| isAlreadyExistsError e -> (do
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist dir
if isDir then return ()
else throwIO e
) `catchIO` ((\_ -> return ()) :: IOException -> IO ())
| otherwise -> throwIO e
createDirectoryVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ()
createDirectoryVerbose verbosity dir = do
info verbosity $ "creating " ++ dir
createDirectory dir
setDirOrdinary dir
copyFileVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFileVerbose verbosity src dest = do
info verbosity ("copy " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
copyFile src dest
installOrdinaryFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installOrdinaryFile verbosity src dest = do
info verbosity ("Installing " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
copyOrdinaryFile src dest
installExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installExecutableFile verbosity src dest = do
info verbosity ("Installing executable " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
copyExecutableFile src dest
installMaybeExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installMaybeExecutableFile verbosity src dest = do
perms <- getPermissions src
if (executable perms)
then installExecutableFile verbosity src dest
else installOrdinaryFile verbosity src dest
copyFileTo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFileTo verbosity dir file = do
let targetFile = dir </> file
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory targetFile)
installOrdinaryFile verbosity file targetFile
copyFilesWith :: (Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ())
-> Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
copyFilesWith doCopy verbosity targetDir srcFiles = do
let dirs = map (targetDir </>) . nub . map (takeDirectory . snd) $ srcFiles
mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True) dirs
sequence_ [ let src = srcBase </> srcFile
dest = targetDir </> srcFile
in doCopy verbosity src dest
| (srcBase, srcFile) <- srcFiles ]
copyFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
copyFiles = copyFilesWith copyFileVerbose
installOrdinaryFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
installOrdinaryFiles = copyFilesWith installOrdinaryFile
installExecutableFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)]
-> IO ()
installExecutableFiles = copyFilesWith installExecutableFile
installMaybeExecutableFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)]
-> IO ()
installMaybeExecutableFiles = copyFilesWith installMaybeExecutableFile
installDirectoryContents :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installDirectoryContents verbosity srcDir destDir = do
info verbosity ("copy directory '" ++ srcDir ++ "' to '" ++ destDir ++ "'.")
srcFiles <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive srcDir
installOrdinaryFiles verbosity destDir [ (srcDir, f) | f <- srcFiles ]
{-# DEPRECATED smartCopySources
"Use findModuleFiles and copyFiles or installOrdinaryFiles" #-}
smartCopySources :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> FilePath
-> [ModuleName] -> [String] -> IO ()
smartCopySources verbosity searchPath targetDir moduleNames extensions =
findModuleFiles searchPath extensions moduleNames
>>= copyFiles verbosity targetDir
{-# DEPRECATED copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose
"You probably want installDirectoryContents instead" #-}
copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose verbosity srcDir destDir = do
info verbosity ("copy directory '" ++ srcDir ++ "' to '" ++ destDir ++ "'.")
srcFiles <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive srcDir
copyFiles verbosity destDir [ (srcDir, f) | f <- srcFiles ]
data TempFileOptions = TempFileOptions {
optKeepTempFiles :: Bool
defaultTempFileOptions :: TempFileOptions
defaultTempFileOptions = TempFileOptions { optKeepTempFiles = False }
withTempFile :: FilePath
-> String
-> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFile tmpDir template action =
withTempFileEx defaultTempFileOptions tmpDir template action
withTempFileEx :: TempFileOptions
-> FilePath
-> String
-> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFileEx opts tmpDir template action =
(openTempFile tmpDir template)
(\(name, handle) -> do hClose handle
unless (optKeepTempFiles opts) $ removeFile name)
(uncurry action)
withTempDirectory :: Verbosity
-> FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDirectory verbosity targetDir template =
withTempDirectoryEx verbosity defaultTempFileOptions targetDir template
withTempDirectoryEx :: Verbosity
-> TempFileOptions
-> FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDirectoryEx _verbosity opts targetDir template =
(createTempDirectory targetDir template)
(unless (optKeepTempFiles opts) . removeDirectoryRecursive)
withFileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
withFileContents name action =
Exception.bracket (openFile name ReadMode) hClose
(\hnd -> hGetContents hnd >>= action)
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
writeFileAtomic targetPath content = do
let (targetDir, targetFile) = splitFileName targetPath
(openBinaryTempFile targetDir $ targetFile <.> "tmp")
(\(tmpPath, handle) -> hClose handle >> removeFile tmpPath)
(\(tmpPath, handle) -> do
BS.hPut handle content
hClose handle
renameFile tmpPath targetPath)
rewriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
rewriteFile path newContent =
flip catchIO mightNotExist $ do
existingContent <- readFile path
_ <- evaluate (length existingContent)
unless (existingContent == newContent) $
writeFileAtomic path (BS.Char8.pack newContent)
mightNotExist e | isDoesNotExistError e = writeFileAtomic path
(BS.Char8.pack newContent)
| otherwise = ioError e
currentDir :: FilePath
currentDir = "."
defaultPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> IO FilePath
defaultPackageDesc _verbosity = findPackageDesc currentDir
findPackageDesc :: FilePath
-> IO FilePath
findPackageDesc dir
= do files <- getDirectoryContents dir
cabalFiles <- filterM doesFileExist
[ dir </> file
| file <- files
, let (name, ext) = splitExtension file
, not (null name) && ext == ".cabal" ]
case cabalFiles of
[] -> noDesc
[cabalFile] -> return cabalFile
multiple -> multiDesc multiple
noDesc :: IO a
noDesc = die $ "No cabal file found.\n"
++ "Please create a package description file <pkgname>.cabal"
multiDesc :: [String] -> IO a
multiDesc l = die $ "Multiple cabal files found.\n"
++ "Please use only one of: "
++ intercalate ", " l
defaultHookedPackageDesc :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
defaultHookedPackageDesc = findHookedPackageDesc currentDir
:: FilePath
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findHookedPackageDesc dir = do
files <- getDirectoryContents dir
buildInfoFiles <- filterM doesFileExist
[ dir </> file
| file <- files
, let (name, ext) = splitExtension file
, not (null name) && ext == buildInfoExt ]
case buildInfoFiles of
[] -> return Nothing
[f] -> return (Just f)
_ -> die ("Multiple files with extension " ++ buildInfoExt)
buildInfoExt :: String
buildInfoExt = ".buildinfo"
fromUTF8 :: String -> String
fromUTF8 [] = []
fromUTF8 (c:cs)
| c <= '\x7F' = c : fromUTF8 cs
| c <= '\xBF' = replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs
| c <= '\xDF' = twoBytes c cs
| c <= '\xEF' = moreBytes 3 0x800 cs (ord c .&. 0xF)
| c <= '\xF7' = moreBytes 4 0x10000 cs (ord c .&. 0x7)
| c <= '\xFB' = moreBytes 5 0x200000 cs (ord c .&. 0x3)
| c <= '\xFD' = moreBytes 6 0x4000000 cs (ord c .&. 0x1)
| otherwise = replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs
twoBytes c0 (c1:cs')
| ord c1 .&. 0xC0 == 0x80
= let d = ((ord c0 .&. 0x1F) `shiftL` 6)
.|. (ord c1 .&. 0x3F)
in if d >= 0x80
then chr d : fromUTF8 cs'
else replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs'
twoBytes _ cs' = replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs'
moreBytes :: Int -> Int -> [Char] -> Int -> [Char]
moreBytes 1 overlong cs' acc
| overlong <= acc && acc <= 0x10FFFF
&& (acc < 0xD800 || 0xDFFF < acc)
&& (acc < 0xFFFE || 0xFFFF < acc)
= chr acc : fromUTF8 cs'
| otherwise
= replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs'
moreBytes byteCount overlong (cn:cs') acc
| ord cn .&. 0xC0 == 0x80
= moreBytes (byteCount-1) overlong cs'
((acc `shiftL` 6) .|. ord cn .&. 0x3F)
moreBytes _ _ cs' _
= replacementChar : fromUTF8 cs'
replacementChar = '\xfffd'
toUTF8 :: String -> String
toUTF8 [] = []
toUTF8 (c:cs)
| c <= '\x07F' = c
: toUTF8 cs
| c <= '\x7FF' = chr (0xC0 .|. (w `shiftR` 6))
: chr (0x80 .|. (w .&. 0x3F))
: toUTF8 cs
| c <= '\xFFFF'= chr (0xE0 .|. (w `shiftR` 12))
: chr (0x80 .|. ((w `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3F))
: chr (0x80 .|. (w .&. 0x3F))
: toUTF8 cs
| otherwise = chr (0xf0 .|. (w `shiftR` 18))
: chr (0x80 .|. ((w `shiftR` 12) .&. 0x3F))
: chr (0x80 .|. ((w `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3F))
: chr (0x80 .|. (w .&. 0x3F))
: toUTF8 cs
where w = ord c
ignoreBOM :: String -> String
ignoreBOM ('\xFEFF':string) = string
ignoreBOM string = string
readUTF8File :: FilePath -> IO String
readUTF8File f = fmap (ignoreBOM . fromUTF8)
. hGetContents =<< openBinaryFile f ReadMode
withUTF8FileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
withUTF8FileContents name action =
(openBinaryFile name ReadMode)
(\hnd -> hGetContents hnd >>= action . ignoreBOM . fromUTF8)
writeUTF8File :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeUTF8File path = writeFileAtomic path . BS.Char8.pack . toUTF8
normaliseLineEndings :: String -> String
normaliseLineEndings [] = []
normaliseLineEndings ('\r':'\n':s) = '\n' : normaliseLineEndings s
normaliseLineEndings ('\r':s) = '\n' : normaliseLineEndings s
normaliseLineEndings ( c :s) = c : normaliseLineEndings s
equating :: Eq a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Bool
equating p x y = p x == p y
comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering
comparing p x y = p x `compare` p y
isInfixOf :: String -> String -> Bool
isInfixOf needle haystack = any (isPrefixOf needle) (tails haystack)
lowercase :: String -> String
lowercase = map Char.toLower