module TestStructures (
CDoc(..), CList(..), CDocList(..), Text(..),
buildDoc, liftDoc2, liftDoc3, buildDocList,
text', tdToStr, genericCProp
) where
import PrettyTestVersion
data CDoc = CEmpty
| CText String
| CList CList [CDoc]
| CBeside Bool CDoc CDoc
| CAbove Bool CDoc CDoc
| CNest Int CDoc
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data CList = CCat | CSep | CFCat | CFSep deriving (Eq,Ord)
newtype CDocList = CDocList { unDocList :: [CDoc] }
newtype Text = Text { unText :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Show CDoc where
showsPrec k CEmpty = showString "empty"
showsPrec k (CText s) = showParen (k >= 10) (showString " text " . shows s)
showsPrec k (CList sp ds) = showParen (k >= 10) $ (shows sp . showList ds)
showsPrec k (CBeside sep d1 d2) = showParen (k >= 6) $
(showsPrec 6 d1) . showString (if sep then " <+> " else " <> ") . (showsPrec 6 d2)
showsPrec k (CAbove noOvlap d1 d2) = showParen (k >= 5) $
(showsPrec 5 d1) . showString (if noOvlap then " $+$ " else " $$ ") . (showsPrec 5 d2)
showsPrec k (CNest n d) = showParen (k >= 10) $ showString " nest " . showsPrec 10 n . showString " ". showsPrec 10 d
instance Show CList where
show cs = case cs of CCat -> "cat" ; CSep -> "sep" ; CFCat -> "fcat" ; CFSep -> "fsep"
instance Show CDocList where show = show . unDocList
buildDoc :: CDoc -> Doc
buildDoc CEmpty = empty
buildDoc (CText s) = text s
buildDoc (CList sp ds) = (listComb sp) $ map buildDoc ds
buildDoc (CBeside sep d1 d2) = (if sep then (<+>) else (<>)) (buildDoc d1) (buildDoc d2)
buildDoc (CAbove noOvlap d1 d2) = (if noOvlap then ($+$) else ($$)) (buildDoc d1) (buildDoc d2)
buildDoc (CNest k d) = nest k $ buildDoc d
listComb :: CList -> ([Doc] -> Doc)
listComb cs = case cs of CCat -> cat ; CSep -> sep ; CFCat -> fcat ; CFSep -> fsep
liftDoc2 :: (Doc -> Doc -> a) -> (CDoc -> CDoc -> a)
liftDoc2 f cd1 cd2 = f (buildDoc cd1) (buildDoc cd2)
liftDoc3 :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> a) -> (CDoc -> CDoc -> CDoc -> a)
liftDoc3 f cd1 cd2 cd3 = f (buildDoc cd1) (buildDoc cd2) (buildDoc cd3)
buildDocList :: CDocList -> [Doc]
buildDocList = map buildDoc . unDocList
text' :: Text -> Doc
text' (Text str) = text str
tdToStr :: TextDetails -> String
tdToStr (Chr c) = [c]
tdToStr (Str s) = s
tdToStr (PStr s) = s
genericCProp :: (a -> a -> a) -> (CDoc -> (a, Bool)) -> CDoc -> a
genericCProp c q cdoc =
case q cdoc of
(v,False) -> v
(v,True) -> foldl c v subs
rec = genericCProp c q
subs = case cdoc of
CEmpty -> []
CText _ -> []
CList _ ds -> map rec ds
CBeside _ d1 d2 -> [rec d1, rec d2]
CAbove b d1 d2 -> [rec d1, rec d2]
CNest k d -> [rec d]