module PackageTests.BenchmarkOptions.Check where
import PackageTests.PackageTester
import System.FilePath
import Test.HUnit
suite :: FilePath -> Test
suite ghcPath = TestCase $ do
let spec = PackageSpec ("PackageTests" </> "BenchmarkOptions")
_ <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
result <- cabal_bench spec ["--benchmark-options=1 2 3"] ghcPath
let message = "\"cabal bench\" did not pass the correct options to the "
++ "benchmark executable with \"--benchmark-options\""
assertEqual message True $ successful result
result' <- cabal_bench spec [ "--benchmark-option=1"
, "--benchmark-option=2"
, "--benchmark-option=3"
let message' = "\"cabal bench\" did not pass the correct options to the "
++ "benchmark executable with \"--benchmark-option\""
assertEqual message' True $ successful result'