{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.HTTP.Client.Body
( makeChunkedReader
, makeLengthReader
, makeGzipReader
, makeUnlimitedReader
, brConsume
, brEmpty
, brAddCleanup
, brReadSome
, brRead
) where
import Network.HTTP.Client.Connection
import Network.HTTP.Client.Types
import Control.Exception (throwIO, assert)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty, uncons)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Data.Streaming.Zlib as Z
brRead :: BodyReader -> IO S.ByteString
brRead = id
brReadSome :: BodyReader -> Int -> IO L.ByteString
brReadSome brRead =
loop id
loop front rem
| rem <= 0 = return $ L.fromChunks $ front []
| otherwise = do
bs <- brRead
if S.null bs
then return $ L.fromChunks $ front []
else loop (front . (bs:)) (rem - S.length bs)
brEmpty :: BodyReader
brEmpty = return S.empty
brAddCleanup :: IO () -> BodyReader -> BodyReader
brAddCleanup cleanup brRead = do
bs <- brRead
when (S.null bs) cleanup
return bs
brConsume :: BodyReader -> IO [S.ByteString]
brConsume brRead =
go id
go front = do
x <- brRead
if S.null x
then return $ front []
else go (front . (x:))
makeGzipReader :: BodyReader -> IO BodyReader
makeGzipReader brRead = do
inf <- Z.initInflate $ Z.WindowBits 31
istate <- newIORef Nothing
let goPopper popper = do
res <- popper
case res of
Z.PRNext bs -> do
writeIORef istate $ Just popper
return bs
Z.PRDone -> do
bs <- Z.flushInflate inf
if S.null bs
then start
else do
writeIORef istate Nothing
return bs
Z.PRError e -> throwIO $ HttpZlibException e
start = do
bs <- brRead
if S.null bs
then return S.empty
else do
popper <- Z.feedInflate inf bs
goPopper popper
return $ do
state <- readIORef istate
case state of
Nothing -> start
Just popper -> goPopper popper
makeUnlimitedReader :: Connection -> IO BodyReader
makeUnlimitedReader Connection {..} = do
icomplete <- newIORef False
return $ do
bs <- connectionRead
when (S.null bs) $ writeIORef icomplete True
return bs
makeLengthReader :: Int -> Connection -> IO BodyReader
makeLengthReader count0 Connection {..} = do
icount <- newIORef count0
return $ do
count <- readIORef icount
if count <= 0
then return empty
else do
bs <- connectionRead
when (S.null bs) $ throwIO $ ResponseBodyTooShort (fromIntegral count0) (fromIntegral $ count0 - count)
case compare count $ S.length bs of
LT -> do
let (x, y) = S.splitAt count bs
connectionUnread y
writeIORef icount (-1)
return x
EQ -> do
writeIORef icount (-1)
return bs
GT -> do
writeIORef icount (count - S.length bs)
return bs
makeChunkedReader :: Bool
-> Connection
-> IO BodyReader
makeChunkedReader raw conn@Connection {..} = do
icount <- newIORef 0
return $ go icount
go icount = do
count0 <- readIORef icount
(rawCount, count) <-
if count0 == 0
then readHeader
else return (empty, count0)
if count <= 0
then do
writeIORef icount (-1)
return $ if count /= (-1) && raw then rawCount else empty
else do
(bs, count') <- readChunk count
writeIORef icount count'
return $ appendHeader rawCount bs
| raw = S.append
| otherwise = flip const
readChunk 0 = return (empty, 0)
readChunk remainder = do
bs <- connectionRead
when (S.null bs) $ throwIO InvalidChunkHeaders
case compare remainder $ S.length bs of
LT -> do
let (x, y) = S.splitAt remainder bs
assert (not $ S.null y) $ connectionUnread y
done x
EQ -> do
done bs
GT -> return (bs, remainder - S.length bs)
done x
| raw = return (x `S.append` "\r\n", 0)
| otherwise = return (x, 0)
requireNewline = do
bs <- connectionReadLine conn
unless (S.null bs) $ throwIO InvalidChunkHeaders
readHeader = do
bs <- connectionReadLine conn
case parseHex bs of
Nothing -> throwIO InvalidChunkHeaders
Just hex -> return (bs `S.append` "\r\n", hex)
parseHex bs0 =
case uncons bs0 of
Just (w0, bs')
| Just i0 <- toI w0 -> Just $ parseHex' i0 bs'
_ -> Nothing
parseHex' i bs =
case uncons bs of
Just (w, bs)
| Just i' <- toI w -> parseHex' (i * 16 + i') bs
_ -> i
toI w
| 48 <= w && w <= 57 = Just $ fromIntegral w - 48
| 65 <= w && w <= 70 = Just $ fromIntegral w - 55
| 97 <= w && w <= 102 = Just $ fromIntegral w - 87
| otherwise = Nothing