module Data.Time.Format
module Data.Time.Format.Parse
) where
import Data.Time.Format.Parse
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.Private
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import System.Locale
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.Fixed
class FormatTime t where
formatCharacter :: Char -> Maybe (TimeLocale -> Maybe NumericPadOption -> t -> String)
formatChar :: (FormatTime t) => Char -> TimeLocale -> Maybe NumericPadOption -> t -> String
formatChar '%' _ _ _ = "%"
formatChar 't' _ _ _ = "\t"
formatChar 'n' _ _ _ = "\n"
formatChar c locale mpado t = case (formatCharacter c) of
Just f -> f locale mpado t
_ -> ""
formatTime :: (FormatTime t) => TimeLocale -> String -> t -> String
formatTime _ [] _ = ""
formatTime locale ('%':'_':c:cs) t = (formatChar c locale (Just (Just ' ')) t) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale ('%':'-':c:cs) t = (formatChar c locale (Just Nothing) t) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale ('%':'0':c:cs) t = (formatChar c locale (Just (Just '0')) t) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale ('%':'^':c:cs) t = (fmap toUpper (formatChar c locale Nothing t)) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale ('%':'#':c:cs) t = (fmap toLower (formatChar c locale Nothing t)) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale ('%':c:cs) t = (formatChar c locale Nothing t) ++ (formatTime locale cs t)
formatTime locale (c:cs) t = c:(formatTime locale cs t)
instance FormatTime LocalTime where
formatCharacter 'c' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale (dateTimeFmt locale))
formatCharacter c = case (formatCharacter c) of
Just f -> Just (\locale mpado dt -> f locale mpado (localDay dt))
Nothing -> case (formatCharacter c) of
Just f -> Just (\locale mpado dt -> f locale mpado (localTimeOfDay dt))
Nothing -> Nothing
instance FormatTime TimeOfDay where
formatCharacter 'R' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale "%H:%M")
formatCharacter 'T' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale "%H:%M:%S")
formatCharacter 'X' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale (timeFmt locale))
formatCharacter 'r' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale (time12Fmt locale))
formatCharacter 'P' = Just (\locale _ day -> map toLower ((if (todHour day) < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm locale)))
formatCharacter 'p' = Just (\locale _ day -> (if (todHour day) < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm locale))
formatCharacter 'H' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . todHour)
formatCharacter 'I' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . (\h -> (mod (h - 1) 12) + 1) . todHour)
formatCharacter 'k' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just ' ') opt)) . todHour)
formatCharacter 'l' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just ' ') opt)) . (\h -> (mod (h - 1) 12) + 1) . todHour)
formatCharacter 'M' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . todMin)
formatCharacter 'S' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt) :: Int -> String) . truncate . todSec)
formatCharacter 'q' = Just (\_ _ -> drop 1 . dropWhile (/='.') . showFixed False . todSec)
formatCharacter 'Q' = Just (\_ _ -> dropWhile (/='.') . showFixed True . todSec)
formatCharacter _ = Nothing
instance FormatTime ZonedTime where
formatCharacter 'c' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale (dateTimeFmt locale))
formatCharacter 's' = Just (\_ _ zt -> show (floor (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (zonedTimeToUTC zt)) :: Integer))
formatCharacter c = case (formatCharacter c) of
Just f -> Just (\locale mpado dt -> f locale mpado (zonedTimeToLocalTime dt))
Nothing -> case (formatCharacter c) of
Just f -> Just (\locale mpado dt -> f locale mpado (zonedTimeZone dt))
Nothing -> Nothing
instance FormatTime TimeZone where
formatCharacter 'z' = Just (\_ opt -> timeZoneOffsetString' (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt))
formatCharacter 'Z' =
Just (\_ opt z -> let n = timeZoneName z
in if null n then timeZoneOffsetString' (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt) z else n)
formatCharacter _ = Nothing
instance FormatTime Day where
formatCharacter 'D' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale "%m/%d/%y")
formatCharacter 'F' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale "%Y-%m-%d")
formatCharacter 'x' = Just (\locale _ -> formatTime locale (dateFmt locale))
formatCharacter 'Y' = Just (\_ opt -> (show4 (fromMaybe Nothing opt)) . fst . toOrdinalDate)
formatCharacter 'y' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . mod100 . fst . toOrdinalDate)
formatCharacter 'C' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe Nothing opt)) . div100 . fst . toOrdinalDate)
formatCharacter 'B' = Just (\locale _ -> fst . (\(_,m,_) -> (months locale) !! (m - 1)) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'b' = Just (\locale _ -> snd . (\(_,m,_) -> (months locale) !! (m - 1)) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'h' = Just (\locale _ -> snd . (\(_,m,_) -> (months locale) !! (m - 1)) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'm' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . (\(_,m,_) -> m) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'd' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . (\(_,_,d) -> d) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'e' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just ' ') opt)) . (\(_,_,d) -> d) . toGregorian)
formatCharacter 'j' = Just (\_ opt -> (show3 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . snd . toOrdinalDate)
formatCharacter 'G' = Just (\_ opt -> (show4 (fromMaybe Nothing opt)) . (\(y,_,_) -> y) . toWeekDate)
formatCharacter 'g' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . mod100 . (\(y,_,_) -> y) . toWeekDate)
formatCharacter 'f' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe Nothing opt)) . div100 . (\(y,_,_) -> y) . toWeekDate)
formatCharacter 'V' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . (\(_,w,_) -> w) . toWeekDate)
formatCharacter 'u' = Just (\_ _ -> show . (\(_,_,d) -> d) . toWeekDate)
formatCharacter 'a' = Just (\locale _ -> snd . ((wDays locale) !!) . snd . sundayStartWeek)
formatCharacter 'A' = Just (\locale _ -> fst . ((wDays locale) !!) . snd . sundayStartWeek)
formatCharacter 'U' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . fst . sundayStartWeek)
formatCharacter 'w' = Just (\_ _ -> show . snd . sundayStartWeek)
formatCharacter 'W' = Just (\_ opt -> (show2 (fromMaybe (Just '0') opt)) . fst . mondayStartWeek)
formatCharacter _ = Nothing
instance FormatTime UTCTime where
formatCharacter c = fmap (\f locale mpado t -> f locale mpado (utcToZonedTime utc t)) (formatCharacter c)