module Data.GraphViz.Attributes
, Attributes
, usedByGraphs
, usedBySubGraphs
, usedByClusters
, usedByNodes
, usedByEdges
, EscString
, URL(..)
, ArrowType(..)
, AspectType(..)
, Rect(..)
, ClusterMode(..)
, DirType(..)
, DEConstraints(..)
, DPoint(..)
, ModeType(..)
, Model(..)
, Label(..)
, Point(..)
, Overlap(..)
, LayerRange(..)
, LayerID(..)
, LayerList(..)
, OutputMode(..)
, Pack(..)
, PackMode(..)
, Pos(..)
, EdgeType(..)
, PageDir(..)
, Spline(..)
, QuadType(..)
, Root(..)
, RankType(..)
, RankDir(..)
, Shape(..)
, SmoothType(..)
, StartType(..)
, STStyle(..)
, StyleItem(..)
, StyleName(..)
, PortPos(..)
, CompassPoint(..)
, ViewPort(..)
, FocusType(..)
, VerticalPlacement(..)
, ScaleType(..)
, Justification(..)
, Ratios(..)
, module Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors
, ArrowShape(..)
, ArrowModifier(..)
, ArrowFill(..)
, ArrowSide(..)
, box
, crow
, diamond
, dotArrow
, inv
, noArrow
, normal
, tee
, vee
, oDot
, invDot
, invODot
, oBox
, oDiamond
, eDiamond
, openArr
, halfOpen
, emptyArr
, invEmpty
, noMods
, openMod
, defLayerSep
, notLayerSep
) where
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors
import Data.GraphViz.Util
import Data.GraphViz.Parsing
import Data.GraphViz.Printing
import Data.Char(toLower)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import Control.Arrow(first)
import Control.Monad(liftM, liftM2)
data Attribute
= Damping Double
| K Double
| ArrowHead ArrowType
| ArrowSize Double
| ArrowTail ArrowType
| Aspect AspectType
| Bb Rect
| BgColor Color
| Center Bool
| Charset String
| ClusterRank ClusterMode
| ColorScheme ColorScheme
| Color [Color]
| Comment String
| Compound Bool
| Concentrate Bool
| Constraint Bool
| Decorate Bool
| DefaultDist Double
| Dimen Int
| Dim Int
| Dir DirType
| DirEdgeConstraints DEConstraints
| Distortion Double
| DPI Double
| EdgeTarget EscString
| EdgeTooltip EscString
| Epsilon Double
| ESep DPoint
| FillColor Color
| FixedSize Bool
| FontColor Color
| FontName String
| FontNames String
| FontPath String
| FontSize Double
| Group String
| HeadClip Bool
| HeadLabel Label
| HeadPort PortPos
| HeadTarget EscString
| HeadTooltip EscString
| Height Double
| ID Label
| Image String
| ImageScale ScaleType
| LabelURL URL
| LabelAngle Double
| LabelDistance Double
| LabelFloat Bool
| LabelFontColor Color
| LabelFontName String
| LabelFontSize Double
| LabelJust Justification
| LabelLoc VerticalPlacement
| LabelTarget EscString
| LabelTooltip EscString
| Label Label
| Landscape Bool
| LayerSep String
| Layers LayerList
| Layer LayerRange
| Layout String
| Len Double
| LevelsGap Double
| Levels Int
| LHead String
| LPos Point
| LTail String
| Margin DPoint
| MaxIter Int
| MCLimit Double
| MinDist Double
| MinLen Int
| Model Model
| Mode ModeType
| Mosek Bool
| NodeSep Double
| NoJustify Bool
| Normalize Bool
| Nslimit1 Double
| Nslimit Double
| Ordering String
| Orientation Double
| OutputOrder OutputMode
| OverlapScaling Double
| Overlap Overlap
| PackMode PackMode
| Pack Pack
| Pad DPoint
| PageDir PageDir
| Page Point
| PenColor Color
| PenWidth Double
| Peripheries Int
| Pin Bool
| Pos Pos
| QuadTree QuadType
| Quantum Double
| RankDir RankDir
| RankSep Double
| Rank RankType
| Ratio Ratios
| Rects Rect
| Regular Bool
| ReMinCross Bool
| RepulsiveForce Double
| Root Root
| Rotate Int
| SameHead String
| SameTail String
| SamplePoints Int
| SearchSize Int
| Sep DPoint
| ShapeFile String
| Shape Shape
| ShowBoxes Int
| Sides Int
| Size Point
| Skew Double
| Smoothing SmoothType
| SortV Int
| Splines EdgeType
| Start StartType
| StyleSheet String
| Style [StyleItem]
| TailClip Bool
| TailLabel Label
| TailPort PortPos
| TailTarget EscString
| TailTooltip EscString
| Target EscString
| Tooltip EscString
| TrueColor Bool
| Vertices [Point]
| ViewPort ViewPort
| VoroMargin Double
| Weight Double
| Width Double
| Z Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
type Attributes = [Attribute]
instance PrintDot Attribute where
unqtDot (Damping v) = printField "Damping" v
unqtDot (K v) = printField "K" v
unqtDot (URL v) = printField "URL" v
unqtDot (ArrowHead v) = printField "arrowhead" v
unqtDot (ArrowSize v) = printField "arrowsize" v
unqtDot (ArrowTail v) = printField "arrowtail" v
unqtDot (Aspect v) = printField "aspect" v
unqtDot (Bb v) = printField "bb" v
unqtDot (BgColor v) = printField "bgcolor" v
unqtDot (Center v) = printField "center" v
unqtDot (Charset v) = printField "charset" v
unqtDot (ClusterRank v) = printField "clusterrank" v
unqtDot (ColorScheme v) = printField "colorscheme" v
unqtDot (Color v) = printField "color" v
unqtDot (Comment v) = printField "comment" v
unqtDot (Compound v) = printField "compound" v
unqtDot (Concentrate v) = printField "concentrate" v
unqtDot (Constraint v) = printField "constraint" v
unqtDot (Decorate v) = printField "decorate" v
unqtDot (DefaultDist v) = printField "defaultdist" v
unqtDot (Dimen v) = printField "dimen" v
unqtDot (Dim v) = printField "dim" v
unqtDot (Dir v) = printField "dir" v
unqtDot (DirEdgeConstraints v) = printField "diredgeconstraints" v
unqtDot (Distortion v) = printField "distortion" v
unqtDot (DPI v) = printField "dpi" v
unqtDot (EdgeURL v) = printField "edgeURL" v
unqtDot (EdgeTarget v) = printField "edgetarget" v
unqtDot (EdgeTooltip v) = printField "edgetooltip" v
unqtDot (Epsilon v) = printField "epsilon" v
unqtDot (ESep v) = printField "esep" v
unqtDot (FillColor v) = printField "fillcolor" v
unqtDot (FixedSize v) = printField "fixedsize" v
unqtDot (FontColor v) = printField "fontcolor" v
unqtDot (FontName v) = printField "fontname" v
unqtDot (FontNames v) = printField "fontnames" v
unqtDot (FontPath v) = printField "fontpath" v
unqtDot (FontSize v) = printField "fontsize" v
unqtDot (Group v) = printField "group" v
unqtDot (HeadURL v) = printField "headURL" v
unqtDot (HeadClip v) = printField "headclip" v
unqtDot (HeadLabel v) = printField "headlabel" v
unqtDot (HeadPort v) = printField "headport" v
unqtDot (HeadTarget v) = printField "headtarget" v
unqtDot (HeadTooltip v) = printField "headtooltip" v
unqtDot (Height v) = printField "height" v
unqtDot (ID v) = printField "id" v
unqtDot (Image v) = printField "image" v
unqtDot (ImageScale v) = printField "imagescale" v
unqtDot (LabelURL v) = printField "labelURL" v
unqtDot (LabelAngle v) = printField "labelangle" v
unqtDot (LabelDistance v) = printField "labeldistance" v
unqtDot (LabelFloat v) = printField "labelfloat" v
unqtDot (LabelFontColor v) = printField "labelfontcolor" v
unqtDot (LabelFontName v) = printField "labelfontname" v
unqtDot (LabelFontSize v) = printField "labelfontsize" v
unqtDot (LabelJust v) = printField "labeljust" v
unqtDot (LabelLoc v) = printField "labelloc" v
unqtDot (LabelTarget v) = printField "labeltarget" v
unqtDot (LabelTooltip v) = printField "labeltooltip" v
unqtDot (Label v) = printField "label" v
unqtDot (Landscape v) = printField "landscape" v
unqtDot (LayerSep v) = printField "layersep" v
unqtDot (Layers v) = printField "layers" v
unqtDot (Layer v) = printField "layer" v
unqtDot (Layout v) = printField "layout" v
unqtDot (Len v) = printField "len" v
unqtDot (LevelsGap v) = printField "levelsgap" v
unqtDot (Levels v) = printField "levels" v
unqtDot (LHead v) = printField "lhead" v
unqtDot (LPos v) = printField "lp" v
unqtDot (LTail v) = printField "ltail" v
unqtDot (Margin v) = printField "margin" v
unqtDot (MaxIter v) = printField "maxiter" v
unqtDot (MCLimit v) = printField "mclimit" v
unqtDot (MinDist v) = printField "mindist" v
unqtDot (MinLen v) = printField "minlen" v
unqtDot (Model v) = printField "model" v
unqtDot (Mode v) = printField "mode" v
unqtDot (Mosek v) = printField "mosek" v
unqtDot (NodeSep v) = printField "nodesep" v
unqtDot (NoJustify v) = printField "nojustify" v
unqtDot (Normalize v) = printField "normalize" v
unqtDot (Nslimit1 v) = printField "nslimit1" v
unqtDot (Nslimit v) = printField "nslimit" v
unqtDot (Ordering v) = printField "ordering" v
unqtDot (Orientation v) = printField "orientation" v
unqtDot (OutputOrder v) = printField "outputorder" v
unqtDot (OverlapScaling v) = printField "overlap_scaling" v
unqtDot (Overlap v) = printField "overlap" v
unqtDot (PackMode v) = printField "packmode" v
unqtDot (Pack v) = printField "pack" v
unqtDot (Pad v) = printField "pad" v
unqtDot (PageDir v) = printField "pagedir" v
unqtDot (Page v) = printField "page" v
unqtDot (PenColor v) = printField "pencolor" v
unqtDot (PenWidth v) = printField "penwidth" v
unqtDot (Peripheries v) = printField "peripheries" v
unqtDot (Pin v) = printField "pin" v
unqtDot (Pos v) = printField "pos" v
unqtDot (QuadTree v) = printField "quadtree" v
unqtDot (Quantum v) = printField "quantum" v
unqtDot (RankDir v) = printField "rankdir" v
unqtDot (RankSep v) = printField "ranksep" v
unqtDot (Rank v) = printField "rank" v
unqtDot (Ratio v) = printField "ratio" v
unqtDot (Rects v) = printField "rects" v
unqtDot (Regular v) = printField "regular" v
unqtDot (ReMinCross v) = printField "remincross" v
unqtDot (RepulsiveForce v) = printField "repulsiveforce" v
unqtDot (Root v) = printField "root" v
unqtDot (Rotate v) = printField "rotate" v
unqtDot (SameHead v) = printField "samehead" v
unqtDot (SameTail v) = printField "sametail" v
unqtDot (SamplePoints v) = printField "samplepoints" v
unqtDot (SearchSize v) = printField "searchsize" v
unqtDot (Sep v) = printField "sep" v
unqtDot (ShapeFile v) = printField "shapefile" v
unqtDot (Shape v) = printField "shape" v
unqtDot (ShowBoxes v) = printField "showboxes" v
unqtDot (Sides v) = printField "sides" v
unqtDot (Size v) = printField "size" v
unqtDot (Skew v) = printField "skew" v
unqtDot (Smoothing v) = printField "smoothing" v
unqtDot (SortV v) = printField "sortv" v
unqtDot (Splines v) = printField "splines" v
unqtDot (Start v) = printField "start" v
unqtDot (StyleSheet v) = printField "stylesheet" v
unqtDot (Style v) = printField "style" v
unqtDot (TailURL v) = printField "tailURL" v
unqtDot (TailClip v) = printField "tailclip" v
unqtDot (TailLabel v) = printField "taillabel" v
unqtDot (TailPort v) = printField "tailport" v
unqtDot (TailTarget v) = printField "tailtarget" v
unqtDot (TailTooltip v) = printField "tailtooltip" v
unqtDot (Target v) = printField "target" v
unqtDot (Tooltip v) = printField "tooltip" v
unqtDot (TrueColor v) = printField "truecolor" v
unqtDot (Vertices v) = printField "vertices" v
unqtDot (ViewPort v) = printField "viewport" v
unqtDot (VoroMargin v) = printField "voro_margin" v
unqtDot (Weight v) = printField "weight" v
unqtDot (Width v) = printField "width" v
unqtDot (Z v) = printField "z" v
listToDot = unqtListToDot
instance ParseDot Attribute where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftM Damping $ parseField "Damping"
, liftM K $ parseField "K"
, liftM URL $ parseFields ["URL", "href"]
, liftM ArrowHead $ parseField "arrowhead"
, liftM ArrowSize $ parseField "arrowsize"
, liftM ArrowTail $ parseField "arrowtail"
, liftM Aspect $ parseField "aspect"
, liftM Bb $ parseField "bb"
, liftM BgColor $ parseField "bgcolor"
, liftM Center $ parseFieldBool "center"
, liftM Charset $ parseField "charset"
, liftM ClusterRank $ parseField "clusterrank"
, liftM ColorScheme $ parseField "colorscheme"
, liftM Color $ parseField "color"
, liftM Comment $ parseField "comment"
, liftM Compound $ parseFieldBool "compound"
, liftM Concentrate $ parseFieldBool "concentrate"
, liftM Constraint $ parseFieldBool "constraint"
, liftM Decorate $ parseFieldBool "decorate"
, liftM DefaultDist $ parseField "defaultdist"
, liftM Dimen $ parseField "dimen"
, liftM Dim $ parseField "dim"
, liftM Dir $ parseField "dir"
, liftM DirEdgeConstraints $ parseFieldDef EdgeConstraints "diredgeconstraints"
, liftM Distortion $ parseField "distortion"
, liftM DPI $ parseFields ["dpi", "resolution"]
, liftM EdgeURL $ parseFields ["edgeURL", "edgehref"]
, liftM EdgeTarget $ parseField "edgetarget"
, liftM EdgeTooltip $ parseField "edgetooltip"
, liftM Epsilon $ parseField "epsilon"
, liftM ESep $ parseField "esep"
, liftM FillColor $ parseField "fillcolor"
, liftM FixedSize $ parseFieldBool "fixedsize"
, liftM FontColor $ parseField "fontcolor"
, liftM FontName $ parseField "fontname"
, liftM FontNames $ parseField "fontnames"
, liftM FontPath $ parseField "fontpath"
, liftM FontSize $ parseField "fontsize"
, liftM Group $ parseField "group"
, liftM HeadURL $ parseFields ["headURL", "headhref"]
, liftM HeadClip $ parseFieldBool "headclip"
, liftM HeadLabel $ parseField "headlabel"
, liftM HeadPort $ parseField "headport"
, liftM HeadTarget $ parseField "headtarget"
, liftM HeadTooltip $ parseField "headtooltip"
, liftM Height $ parseField "height"
, liftM ID $ parseField "id"
, liftM Image $ parseField "image"
, liftM ImageScale $ parseFieldDef UniformScale "imagescale"
, liftM LabelURL $ parseFields ["labelURL", "labelhref"]
, liftM LabelAngle $ parseField "labelangle"
, liftM LabelDistance $ parseField "labeldistance"
, liftM LabelFloat $ parseFieldBool "labelfloat"
, liftM LabelFontColor $ parseField "labelfontcolor"
, liftM LabelFontName $ parseField "labelfontname"
, liftM LabelFontSize $ parseField "labelfontsize"
, liftM LabelJust $ parseField "labeljust"
, liftM LabelLoc $ parseField "labelloc"
, liftM LabelTarget $ parseField "labeltarget"
, liftM LabelTooltip $ parseField "labeltooltip"
, liftM Label $ parseField "label"
, liftM Landscape $ parseFieldBool "landscape"
, liftM LayerSep $ parseField "layersep"
, liftM Layers $ parseField "layers"
, liftM Layer $ parseField "layer"
, liftM Layout $ parseField "layout"
, liftM Len $ parseField "len"
, liftM LevelsGap $ parseField "levelsgap"
, liftM Levels $ parseField "levels"
, liftM LHead $ parseField "lhead"
, liftM LPos $ parseField "lp"
, liftM LTail $ parseField "ltail"
, liftM Margin $ parseField "margin"
, liftM MaxIter $ parseField "maxiter"
, liftM MCLimit $ parseField "mclimit"
, liftM MinDist $ parseField "mindist"
, liftM MinLen $ parseField "minlen"
, liftM Model $ parseField "model"
, liftM Mode $ parseField "mode"
, liftM Mosek $ parseFieldBool "mosek"
, liftM NodeSep $ parseField "nodesep"
, liftM NoJustify $ parseFieldBool "nojustify"
, liftM Normalize $ parseFieldBool "normalize"
, liftM Nslimit1 $ parseField "nslimit1"
, liftM Nslimit $ parseField "nslimit"
, liftM Ordering $ parseField "ordering"
, liftM Orientation $ parseField "orientation"
, liftM OutputOrder $ parseField "outputorder"
, liftM OverlapScaling $ parseField "overlap_scaling"
, liftM Overlap $ parseFieldDef KeepOverlaps "overlap"
, liftM PackMode $ parseField "packmode"
, liftM Pack $ parseFieldDef DoPack "pack"
, liftM Pad $ parseField "pad"
, liftM PageDir $ parseField "pagedir"
, liftM Page $ parseField "page"
, liftM PenColor $ parseField "pencolor"
, liftM PenWidth $ parseField "penwidth"
, liftM Peripheries $ parseField "peripheries"
, liftM Pin $ parseFieldBool "pin"
, liftM Pos $ parseField "pos"
, liftM QuadTree $ parseFieldDef NormalQT "quadtree"
, liftM Quantum $ parseField "quantum"
, liftM RankDir $ parseField "rankdir"
, liftM RankSep $ parseField "ranksep"
, liftM Rank $ parseField "rank"
, liftM Ratio $ parseField "ratio"
, liftM Rects $ parseField "rects"
, liftM Regular $ parseFieldBool "regular"
, liftM ReMinCross $ parseFieldBool "remincross"
, liftM RepulsiveForce $ parseField "repulsiveforce"
, liftM Root $ parseFieldDef IsCentral "root"
, liftM Rotate $ parseField "rotate"
, liftM SameHead $ parseField "samehead"
, liftM SameTail $ parseField "sametail"
, liftM SamplePoints $ parseField "samplepoints"
, liftM SearchSize $ parseField "searchsize"
, liftM Sep $ parseField "sep"
, liftM ShapeFile $ parseField "shapefile"
, liftM Shape $ parseField "shape"
, liftM ShowBoxes $ parseField "showboxes"
, liftM Sides $ parseField "sides"
, liftM Size $ parseField "size"
, liftM Skew $ parseField "skew"
, liftM Smoothing $ parseField "smoothing"
, liftM SortV $ parseField "sortv"
, liftM Splines $ parseFieldDef SplineEdges "splines"
, liftM Start $ parseField "start"
, liftM StyleSheet $ parseField "stylesheet"
, liftM Style $ parseField "style"
, liftM TailURL $ parseFields ["tailURL", "tailhref"]
, liftM TailClip $ parseFieldBool "tailclip"
, liftM TailLabel $ parseField "taillabel"
, liftM TailPort $ parseField "tailport"
, liftM TailTarget $ parseField "tailtarget"
, liftM TailTooltip $ parseField "tailtooltip"
, liftM Target $ parseField "target"
, liftM Tooltip $ parseField "tooltip"
, liftM TrueColor $ parseFieldBool "truecolor"
, liftM Vertices $ parseField "vertices"
, liftM ViewPort $ parseField "viewport"
, liftM VoroMargin $ parseField "voro_margin"
, liftM Weight $ parseField "weight"
, liftM Width $ parseField "width"
, liftM Z $ parseField "z"
parse = parseUnqt
parseList = parseUnqtList
usedByGraphs :: Attribute -> Bool
usedByGraphs Damping{} = True
usedByGraphs K{} = True
usedByGraphs URL{} = True
usedByGraphs Aspect{} = True
usedByGraphs Bb{} = True
usedByGraphs BgColor{} = True
usedByGraphs Center{} = True
usedByGraphs Charset{} = True
usedByGraphs ClusterRank{} = True
usedByGraphs ColorScheme{} = True
usedByGraphs Comment{} = True
usedByGraphs Compound{} = True
usedByGraphs Concentrate{} = True
usedByGraphs DefaultDist{} = True
usedByGraphs Dimen{} = True
usedByGraphs Dim{} = True
usedByGraphs DirEdgeConstraints{} = True
usedByGraphs DPI{} = True
usedByGraphs Epsilon{} = True
usedByGraphs ESep{} = True
usedByGraphs FontColor{} = True
usedByGraphs FontName{} = True
usedByGraphs FontNames{} = True
usedByGraphs FontPath{} = True
usedByGraphs FontSize{} = True
usedByGraphs ID{} = True
usedByGraphs LabelJust{} = True
usedByGraphs LabelLoc{} = True
usedByGraphs Label{} = True
usedByGraphs Landscape{} = True
usedByGraphs LayerSep{} = True
usedByGraphs Layers{} = True
usedByGraphs Layout{} = True
usedByGraphs LevelsGap{} = True
usedByGraphs Levels{} = True
usedByGraphs LPos{} = True
usedByGraphs Margin{} = True
usedByGraphs MaxIter{} = True
usedByGraphs MCLimit{} = True
usedByGraphs MinDist{} = True
usedByGraphs Model{} = True
usedByGraphs Mode{} = True
usedByGraphs Mosek{} = True
usedByGraphs NodeSep{} = True
usedByGraphs NoJustify{} = True
usedByGraphs Normalize{} = True
usedByGraphs Nslimit1{} = True
usedByGraphs Nslimit{} = True
usedByGraphs Ordering{} = True
usedByGraphs OutputOrder{} = True
usedByGraphs OverlapScaling{} = True
usedByGraphs Overlap{} = True
usedByGraphs PackMode{} = True
usedByGraphs Pack{} = True
usedByGraphs Pad{} = True
usedByGraphs PageDir{} = True
usedByGraphs Page{} = True
usedByGraphs QuadTree{} = True
usedByGraphs Quantum{} = True
usedByGraphs RankDir{} = True
usedByGraphs RankSep{} = True
usedByGraphs Ratio{} = True
usedByGraphs ReMinCross{} = True
usedByGraphs RepulsiveForce{} = True
usedByGraphs Root{} = True
usedByGraphs Rotate{} = True
usedByGraphs SearchSize{} = True
usedByGraphs Sep{} = True
usedByGraphs ShowBoxes{} = True
usedByGraphs Size{} = True
usedByGraphs Smoothing{} = True
usedByGraphs SortV{} = True
usedByGraphs Splines{} = True
usedByGraphs Start{} = True
usedByGraphs StyleSheet{} = True
usedByGraphs Target{} = True
usedByGraphs TrueColor{} = True
usedByGraphs ViewPort{} = True
usedByGraphs VoroMargin{} = True
usedByGraphs _ = False
usedByClusters :: Attribute -> Bool
usedByClusters K{} = True
usedByClusters URL{} = True
usedByClusters BgColor{} = True
usedByClusters ColorScheme{} = True
usedByClusters Color{} = True
usedByClusters FillColor{} = True
usedByClusters FontColor{} = True
usedByClusters FontName{} = True
usedByClusters FontSize{} = True
usedByClusters LabelJust{} = True
usedByClusters LabelLoc{} = True
usedByClusters Label{} = True
usedByClusters LPos{} = True
usedByClusters NoJustify{} = True
usedByClusters PenColor{} = True
usedByClusters PenWidth{} = True
usedByClusters Peripheries{} = True
usedByClusters Rank{} = True
usedByClusters SortV{} = True
usedByClusters Style{} = True
usedByClusters Target{} = True
usedByClusters Tooltip{} = True
usedByClusters _ = False
usedBySubGraphs :: Attribute -> Bool
usedBySubGraphs Rank{} = True
usedBySubGraphs _ = False
usedByNodes :: Attribute -> Bool
usedByNodes URL{} = True
usedByNodes ColorScheme{} = True
usedByNodes Color{} = True
usedByNodes Comment{} = True
usedByNodes Distortion{} = True
usedByNodes FillColor{} = True
usedByNodes FixedSize{} = True
usedByNodes FontColor{} = True
usedByNodes FontName{} = True
usedByNodes FontSize{} = True
usedByNodes Group{} = True
usedByNodes Height{} = True
usedByNodes ID{} = True
usedByNodes Image{} = True
usedByNodes ImageScale{} = True
usedByNodes LabelLoc{} = True
usedByNodes Label{} = True
usedByNodes Layer{} = True
usedByNodes Margin{} = True
usedByNodes NoJustify{} = True
usedByNodes Orientation{} = True
usedByNodes PenWidth{} = True
usedByNodes Peripheries{} = True
usedByNodes Pin{} = True
usedByNodes Pos{} = True
usedByNodes Rects{} = True
usedByNodes Regular{} = True
usedByNodes Root{} = True
usedByNodes SamplePoints{} = True
usedByNodes ShapeFile{} = True
usedByNodes Shape{} = True
usedByNodes ShowBoxes{} = True
usedByNodes Sides{} = True
usedByNodes Skew{} = True
usedByNodes SortV{} = True
usedByNodes Style{} = True
usedByNodes Target{} = True
usedByNodes Tooltip{} = True
usedByNodes Vertices{} = True
usedByNodes Width{} = True
usedByNodes Z{} = True
usedByNodes _ = False
usedByEdges :: Attribute -> Bool
usedByEdges URL{} = True
usedByEdges ArrowHead{} = True
usedByEdges ArrowSize{} = True
usedByEdges ArrowTail{} = True
usedByEdges ColorScheme{} = True
usedByEdges Color{} = True
usedByEdges Comment{} = True
usedByEdges Constraint{} = True
usedByEdges Decorate{} = True
usedByEdges Dir{} = True
usedByEdges EdgeURL{} = True
usedByEdges EdgeTarget{} = True
usedByEdges EdgeTooltip{} = True
usedByEdges FontColor{} = True
usedByEdges FontName{} = True
usedByEdges FontSize{} = True
usedByEdges HeadURL{} = True
usedByEdges HeadClip{} = True
usedByEdges HeadLabel{} = True
usedByEdges HeadPort{} = True
usedByEdges HeadTarget{} = True
usedByEdges HeadTooltip{} = True
usedByEdges ID{} = True
usedByEdges LabelURL{} = True
usedByEdges LabelAngle{} = True
usedByEdges LabelDistance{} = True
usedByEdges LabelFloat{} = True
usedByEdges LabelFontColor{} = True
usedByEdges LabelFontName{} = True
usedByEdges LabelFontSize{} = True
usedByEdges LabelTarget{} = True
usedByEdges LabelTooltip{} = True
usedByEdges Label{} = True
usedByEdges Layer{} = True
usedByEdges Len{} = True
usedByEdges LHead{} = True
usedByEdges LPos{} = True
usedByEdges LTail{} = True
usedByEdges MinLen{} = True
usedByEdges NoJustify{} = True
usedByEdges PenWidth{} = True
usedByEdges Pos{} = True
usedByEdges SameHead{} = True
usedByEdges SameTail{} = True
usedByEdges ShowBoxes{} = True
usedByEdges Style{} = True
usedByEdges TailURL{} = True
usedByEdges TailClip{} = True
usedByEdges TailLabel{} = True
usedByEdges TailPort{} = True
usedByEdges TailTarget{} = True
usedByEdges TailTooltip{} = True
usedByEdges Target{} = True
usedByEdges Tooltip{} = True
usedByEdges Weight{} = True
usedByEdges _ = False
type EscString = String
newtype URL = UStr { urlString :: EscString }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot URL where
unqtDot = wrap (char '<') (char '>')
. text . urlString
instance ParseDot URL where
parseUnqt = liftM UStr
$ bracket (character open)
(character close)
(many1 $ satisfy ((/=) close))
open = '<'
close = '>'
parse = parseUnqt
newtype ArrowType = AType [(ArrowModifier, ArrowShape)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
box, crow, diamond, dotArrow, inv, noArrow, normal, tee, vee :: ArrowType
oDot, invDot, invODot, oBox, oDiamond :: ArrowType
eDiamond, openArr, halfOpen, emptyArr, invEmpty :: ArrowType
normal = AType [(noMods, Normal)]
inv = AType [(noMods, Inv)]
dotArrow = AType [(noMods, DotArrow)]
invDot = AType [ (noMods, Inv)
, (noMods, DotArrow)]
oDot = AType [(ArrMod OpenArrow BothSides, DotArrow)]
invODot = AType [ (noMods, Inv)
, (openMod, DotArrow)]
noArrow = AType [(noMods, NoArrow)]
tee = AType [(noMods, Tee)]
emptyArr = AType [(openMod, Normal)]
invEmpty = AType [ (noMods, Inv)
, (openMod, Normal)]
diamond = AType [(noMods, Diamond)]
oDiamond = AType [(openMod, Diamond)]
eDiamond = oDiamond
crow = AType [(noMods, Crow)]
box = AType [(noMods, Box)]
oBox = AType [(openMod, Box)]
openArr = vee
halfOpen = AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow LeftSide, Vee)]
vee = AType [(noMods, Vee)]
instance PrintDot ArrowType where
unqtDot (AType mas) = hcat $ map appMod mas
appMod (m, a) = unqtDot m <> unqtDot a
instance ParseDot ArrowType where
parseUnqt = do mas <- many1 $ do m <- parseUnqt
a <- parseUnqt
return (m,a)
return $ AType mas
specialArrowParse :: Parse ArrowType
specialArrowParse = oneOf [ stringRep eDiamond "ediamond"
, stringRep openArr "open"
, stringRep halfOpen "halfopen"
, stringRep emptyArr "empty"
, stringRep invEmpty "invempty"
data ArrowShape = Box
| Crow
| Diamond
| DotArrow
| Inv
| NoArrow
| Normal
| Tee
| Vee
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ArrowShape where
unqtDot Box = unqtDot "box"
unqtDot Crow = unqtDot "crow"
unqtDot Diamond = unqtDot "diamond"
unqtDot DotArrow = unqtDot "dot"
unqtDot Inv = unqtDot "inv"
unqtDot NoArrow = unqtDot "none"
unqtDot Normal = unqtDot "normal"
unqtDot Tee = unqtDot "tee"
unqtDot Vee = unqtDot "vee"
instance ParseDot ArrowShape where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Box "box"
, stringRep Crow "crow"
, stringRep Diamond "diamond"
, stringRep DotArrow "dot"
, stringRep Inv "inv"
, stringRep NoArrow "none"
, stringRep Normal "normal"
, stringRep Tee "tee"
, stringRep Vee "vee"
data ArrowModifier = ArrMod { arrowFill :: ArrowFill
, arrowSide :: ArrowSide
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
noMods :: ArrowModifier
noMods = ArrMod FilledArrow BothSides
openMod :: ArrowModifier
openMod = ArrMod OpenArrow BothSides
instance PrintDot ArrowModifier where
unqtDot (ArrMod f s) = unqtDot f <> unqtDot s
instance ParseDot ArrowModifier where
parseUnqt = do f <- parseUnqt
s <- parseUnqt
return $ ArrMod f s
data ArrowFill = OpenArrow
| FilledArrow
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ArrowFill where
unqtDot OpenArrow = char 'o'
unqtDot FilledArrow = empty
instance ParseDot ArrowFill where
parseUnqt = liftM (bool FilledArrow OpenArrow . isJust)
$ optional (character 'o')
parse = parseUnqt
data ArrowSide = LeftSide
| RightSide
| BothSides
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ArrowSide where
unqtDot LeftSide = char 'l'
unqtDot RightSide = char 'r'
unqtDot BothSides = empty
instance ParseDot ArrowSide where
parseUnqt = liftM getSideType
$ optional (oneOf $ map character ['l', 'r'])
getSideType = maybe BothSides
(bool RightSide LeftSide . (==) 'l')
parse = parseUnqt
data AspectType = RatioOnly Double
| RatioPassCount Double Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot AspectType where
unqtDot (RatioOnly r) = unqtDot r
unqtDot (RatioPassCount r p) = commaDel r p
toDot at@RatioOnly{} = unqtDot at
toDot at@RatioPassCount{} = doubleQuotes $ unqtDot at
instance ParseDot AspectType where
parseUnqt = liftM (uncurry RatioPassCount) commaSepUnqt
liftM RatioOnly parseUnqt
parse = quotedParse (liftM (uncurry RatioPassCount) commaSepUnqt)
liftM RatioOnly parse
data Rect = Rect Point Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Rect where
unqtDot (Rect p1 p2) = commaDel p1 p2
toDot = doubleQuotes . unqtDot
instance ParseDot Rect where
parseUnqt = liftM (uncurry Rect) commaSepUnqt
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
data ClusterMode = Local
| Global
| NoCluster
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ClusterMode where
unqtDot Local = unqtDot "local"
unqtDot Global = unqtDot "global"
unqtDot NoCluster = unqtDot "none"
instance ParseDot ClusterMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Local "local"
, stringRep Global "global"
, stringRep NoCluster "none"
data DirType = Forward | Back | Both | NoDir
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DirType where
unqtDot Forward = unqtDot "forward"
unqtDot Back = unqtDot "back"
unqtDot Both = unqtDot "both"
unqtDot NoDir = unqtDot "none"
instance ParseDot DirType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Forward "forward"
, stringRep Back "back"
, stringRep Both "both"
, stringRep NoDir "none"
data DEConstraints = EdgeConstraints
| NoConstraints
| HierConstraints
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DEConstraints where
unqtDot EdgeConstraints = unqtDot True
unqtDot NoConstraints = unqtDot False
unqtDot HierConstraints = text "hier"
instance ParseDot DEConstraints where
parseUnqt = liftM (bool NoConstraints EdgeConstraints) parse
stringRep HierConstraints "hier"
data DPoint = DVal Double
| PVal Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DPoint where
unqtDot (DVal d) = unqtDot d
unqtDot (PVal p) = unqtDot p
toDot (DVal d) = toDot d
toDot (PVal p) = toDot p
instance ParseDot DPoint where
parseUnqt = liftM PVal parseUnqt
liftM DVal parseUnqt
parse = liftM PVal parse
liftM DVal parse
data ModeType = Major
| KK
| Hier
| IpSep
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ModeType where
unqtDot Major = text "major"
unqtDot KK = text "KK"
unqtDot Hier = text "hier"
unqtDot IpSep = text "ipsep"
instance ParseDot ModeType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Major "major"
, stringRep KK "KK"
, stringRep Hier "hier"
, stringRep IpSep "ipsep"
data Model = ShortPath
| SubSet
| Circuit
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Model where
unqtDot ShortPath = text "shortpath"
unqtDot SubSet = text "subset"
unqtDot Circuit = text "circuit"
instance ParseDot Model where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep ShortPath "shortpath"
, stringRep SubSet "subset"
, stringRep Circuit "circuit"
data Label = StrLabel EscString
| URLLabel URL
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Label where
unqtDot (StrLabel s) = unqtDot s
unqtDot (URLLabel u) = unqtDot u
toDot (StrLabel s) = toDot s
toDot (URLLabel u) = toDot u
instance ParseDot Label where
parseUnqt = liftM StrLabel parseUnqt
liftM URLLabel parseUnqt
parse = liftM StrLabel parse
liftM URLLabel parse
data Point = Point Int Int
| PointD Double Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Point where
unqtDot (Point x y) = commaDel x y
unqtDot (PointD x y) = commaDel x y
toDot = doubleQuotes . unqtDot
unqtListToDot = hsep . map unqtDot
listToDot = doubleQuotes . unqtListToDot
instance ParseDot Point where
parseUnqt = intDblPoint
liftM (uncurry Point) commaSepUnqt
liftM (uncurry PointD) commaSepUnqt
intDblPoint = liftM (uncurry PointD . first fI)
$ commaSep' parseUnqt parseStrictFloat
fI :: Int -> Double
fI = fromIntegral
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt whitespace
data Overlap = KeepOverlaps
| RemoveOverlaps
| ScaleOverlaps
| ScaleXYOverlaps
| PrismOverlap (Maybe Int)
| CompressOverlap
| VpscOverlap
| IpsepOverlap
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Overlap where
unqtDot KeepOverlaps = unqtDot True
unqtDot RemoveOverlaps = unqtDot False
unqtDot ScaleOverlaps = text "scale"
unqtDot ScaleXYOverlaps = text "scalexy"
unqtDot (PrismOverlap i) = maybe id (flip (<>) . unqtDot) i $ text "prism"
unqtDot CompressOverlap = text "compress"
unqtDot VpscOverlap = text "vpsc"
unqtDot IpsepOverlap = text "ipsep"
instance ParseDot Overlap where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep KeepOverlaps "true"
, stringRep RemoveOverlaps "false"
, stringRep ScaleXYOverlaps "scalexy"
, stringRep ScaleOverlaps "scale"
, string "prism" >> liftM PrismOverlap (optional parse)
, stringRep CompressOverlap "compress"
, stringRep VpscOverlap "vpsc"
, stringRep IpsepOverlap "ipsep"
data LayerRange = LRID LayerID
| LRS LayerID String LayerID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerRange where
unqtDot (LRID lid) = unqtDot lid
unqtDot (LRS id1 s id2) = unqtDot id1 <> unqtDot s <> unqtDot id2
toDot (LRID lid) = toDot lid
toDot lrs = doubleQuotes $ unqtDot lrs
instance ParseDot LayerRange where
parseUnqt = do id1 <- parseUnqt
s <- parseLayerSep
id2 <- parseUnqt
return $ LRS id1 s id2
liftM LRID parseUnqt
parse = quotedParse ( do id1 <- parseUnqt
s <- parseLayerSep
id2 <- parseUnqt
return $ LRS id1 s id2
liftM LRID parse
parseLayerSep :: Parse String
parseLayerSep = many1 . oneOf
$ map character defLayerSep
defLayerSep :: [Char]
defLayerSep = [' ', ':', '\t']
parseLayerName :: Parse String
parseLayerName = many1 . orQuote
$ satisfy (liftM2 (&&) notLayerSep ((/=) quoteChar))
parseLayerName' :: Parse String
parseLayerName' = stringBlock
quotedParse parseLayerName
notLayerSep :: Char -> Bool
notLayerSep = flip notElem defLayerSep
data LayerID = AllLayers
| LRInt Int
| LRName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerID where
unqtDot AllLayers = text "all"
unqtDot (LRInt n) = unqtDot n
unqtDot (LRName nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (LRName nm) = toDot nm
toDot li = unqtDot li
instance ParseDot LayerID where
parseUnqt = liftM checkLayerName parseLayerName
parse = oneOf [ liftM checkLayerName parseLayerName'
, liftM LRInt parse
checkLayerName :: String -> LayerID
checkLayerName str = maybe checkAll LRInt $ stringToInt str
checkAll = if map toLower str == "all"
then AllLayers
else LRName str
data LayerList = LL String [(String, String)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerList where
unqtDot (LL l1 ols) = unqtDot l1 <> hcat (map subLL ols)
subLL (s, l) = unqtDot s <> unqtDot l
toDot (LL l1 []) = toDot l1
toDot ll = doubleQuotes $ unqtDot ll
instance ParseDot LayerList where
parseUnqt = do l1 <- parseLayerName
ols <- many $ do s <- parseLayerSep
lnm <- parseLayerName
return (s, lnm)
return $ LL l1 ols
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
liftM (flip LL []) (parseLayerName' `onFail` numString)
data OutputMode = BreadthFirst | NodesFirst | EdgesFirst
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot OutputMode where
unqtDot BreadthFirst = text "breadthfirst"
unqtDot NodesFirst = text "nodesfirst"
unqtDot EdgesFirst = text "edgesfirst"
instance ParseDot OutputMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep BreadthFirst "breadthfirst"
, stringRep NodesFirst "nodesfirst"
, stringRep EdgesFirst "edgesfirst"
data Pack = DoPack
| DontPack
| PackMargin Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Pack where
unqtDot DoPack = unqtDot True
unqtDot DontPack = unqtDot False
unqtDot (PackMargin m) = unqtDot m
instance ParseDot Pack where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftM PackMargin parseUnqt
, liftM (bool DontPack DoPack) onlyBool
data PackMode = PackNode
| PackClust
| PackGraph
| PackArray Bool Bool (Maybe Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot PackMode where
unqtDot PackNode = text "node"
unqtDot PackClust = text "clust"
unqtDot PackGraph = text "graph"
unqtDot (PackArray c u mi) = addNum . isU . isC . isUnder
$ text "array"
addNum = maybe id (flip (<>) . unqtDot) mi
isUnder = if c || u
then flip (<>) $ char '_'
else id
isC = if c
then flip (<>) $ char 'c'
else id
isU = if u
then flip (<>) $ char 'u'
else id
instance ParseDot PackMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep PackNode "node"
, stringRep PackClust "clust"
, stringRep PackGraph "graph"
, do string "array"
mcu <- optional $ do character '_'
many1 $ satisfy isCU
let c = hasCharacter mcu 'c'
u = hasCharacter mcu 'u'
mi <- optional parseUnqt
return $ PackArray c u mi
hasCharacter ms c = maybe False (elem c) ms
isCU = flip elem ['c', 'u']
data Pos = PointPos Point
| SplinePos [Spline]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Pos where
unqtDot (PointPos p) = unqtDot p
unqtDot (SplinePos ss) = unqtDot ss
toDot (PointPos p) = toDot p
toDot (SplinePos ss) = toDot ss
instance ParseDot Pos where
parseUnqt = do splns <- parseUnqt
case splns of
[Spline Nothing Nothing [p]] -> return $ PointPos p
_ -> return $ SplinePos splns
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
data EdgeType = SplineEdges
| LineEdges
| NoEdges
| PolyLine
| CompoundEdge
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot EdgeType where
unqtDot SplineEdges = toDot True
unqtDot LineEdges = toDot False
unqtDot NoEdges = empty
unqtDot PolyLine = text "polyline"
unqtDot CompoundEdge = text "compound"
toDot NoEdges = doubleQuotes empty
toDot et = unqtDot et
instance ParseDot EdgeType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftM (bool LineEdges SplineEdges) parse
, stringRep SplineEdges "spline"
, stringRep LineEdges "line"
, stringRep PolyLine "polyline"
, stringRep CompoundEdge "compound"
parse = stringRep NoEdges "\"\""
optionalQuoted parseUnqt
data PageDir = Bl | Br | Tl | Tr | Rb | Rt | Lb | Lt
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot PageDir where
unqtDot Bl = text "BL"
unqtDot Br = text "BR"
unqtDot Tl = text "TL"
unqtDot Tr = text "TR"
unqtDot Rb = text "RB"
unqtDot Rt = text "RT"
unqtDot Lb = text "LB"
unqtDot Lt = text "LT"
instance ParseDot PageDir where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Bl "BL"
, stringRep Br "BR"
, stringRep Tl "TL"
, stringRep Tr "TR"
, stringRep Rb "RB"
, stringRep Rt "RT"
, stringRep Lb "LB"
, stringRep Lt "LT"
data Spline = Spline (Maybe Point) (Maybe Point) [Point]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Spline where
unqtDot (Spline ms me ps) = addS . addE
. hsep
$ map unqtDot ps
addP t = maybe id ((<+>) . commaDel t)
addS = addP 's' ms
addE = addP 'e' me
toDot = doubleQuotes . unqtDot
unqtListToDot = hcat . punctuate semi . map unqtDot
listToDot = doubleQuotes . unqtListToDot
instance ParseDot Spline where
parseUnqt = do ms <- parseP 's'
me <- parseP 'e'
ps <- sepBy1 parseUnqt whitespace
return $ Spline ms me ps
parseP t = optional $ do character t
parseUnqt `discard` whitespace
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt (character ';')
data QuadType = NormalQT
| FastQT
| NoQT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot QuadType where
unqtDot NormalQT = text "normal"
unqtDot FastQT = text "fast"
unqtDot NoQT = text "none"
instance ParseDot QuadType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep NormalQT "normal"
, stringRep FastQT "fast"
, stringRep NoQT "none"
, character '2' >> return FastQT
, liftM (bool NoQT NormalQT) parse
data Root = IsCentral
| NotCentral
| NodeName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Root where
unqtDot IsCentral = unqtDot True
unqtDot NotCentral = unqtDot False
unqtDot (NodeName n) = unqtDot n
toDot (NodeName n) = toDot n
toDot r = unqtDot r
instance ParseDot Root where
parseUnqt = liftM (bool NotCentral IsCentral) onlyBool
liftM NodeName parseUnqt
parse = optionalQuoted (liftM (bool NotCentral IsCentral) onlyBool)
liftM NodeName parse
data RankType = SameRank
| MinRank
| SourceRank
| MaxRank
| SinkRank
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot RankType where
unqtDot SameRank = text "same"
unqtDot MinRank = text "min"
unqtDot SourceRank = text "source"
unqtDot MaxRank = text "max"
unqtDot SinkRank = text "sink"
instance ParseDot RankType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep SameRank "same"
, stringRep MinRank "min"
, stringRep SourceRank "source"
, stringRep MaxRank "max"
, stringRep SinkRank "sink"
data RankDir = FromTop
| FromLeft
| FromBottom
| FromRight
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot RankDir where
unqtDot FromTop = text "TB"
unqtDot FromLeft = text "LR"
unqtDot FromBottom = text "BT"
unqtDot FromRight = text "RL"
instance ParseDot RankDir where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep FromTop "TB"
, stringRep FromLeft "LR"
, stringRep FromBottom "BT"
, stringRep FromRight "RL"
data Shape
= BoxShape
| Polygon
| Ellipse
| Circle
| PointShape
| Egg
| Triangle
| PlainText
| DiamondShape
| Trapezium
| Parallelogram
| House
| Pentagon
| Hexagon
| Septagon
| Octagon
| DoubleCircle
| DoubleOctagon
| TripleOctagon
| InvTriangle
| InvTrapezium
| InvHouse
| MDiamond
| MSquare
| MCircle
| Note
| Tab
| Folder
| Box3D
| Component
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Shape where
unqtDot BoxShape = text "box"
unqtDot Polygon = text "polygon"
unqtDot Ellipse = text "ellipse"
unqtDot Circle = text "circle"
unqtDot PointShape = text "point"
unqtDot Egg = text "egg"
unqtDot Triangle = text "triangle"
unqtDot PlainText = text "plaintext"
unqtDot DiamondShape = text "diamond"
unqtDot Trapezium = text "trapezium"
unqtDot Parallelogram = text "parallelogram"
unqtDot House = text "house"
unqtDot Pentagon = text "pentagon"
unqtDot Hexagon = text "hexagon"
unqtDot Septagon = text "septagon"
unqtDot Octagon = text "octagon"
unqtDot DoubleCircle = text "doublecircle"
unqtDot DoubleOctagon = text "doubleoctagon"
unqtDot TripleOctagon = text "tripleoctagon"
unqtDot InvTriangle = text "invtriangle"
unqtDot InvTrapezium = text "invtrapezium"
unqtDot InvHouse = text "invhouse"
unqtDot MDiamond = text "Mdiamond"
unqtDot MSquare = text "Msquare"
unqtDot MCircle = text "Mcircle"
unqtDot Note = text "note"
unqtDot Tab = text "tab"
unqtDot Folder = text "folder"
unqtDot Box3D = text "box3d"
unqtDot Component = text "component"
instance ParseDot Shape where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Box3D "box3d"
, stringReps BoxShape ["box","rectangle","rect"]
, stringRep Polygon "polygon"
, stringRep Ellipse "ellipse"
, stringRep Circle "circle"
, stringRep PointShape "point"
, stringRep Egg "egg"
, stringRep Triangle "triangle"
, stringReps PlainText ["plaintext","none"]
, stringRep DiamondShape "diamond"
, stringRep Trapezium "trapezium"
, stringRep Parallelogram "parallelogram"
, stringRep House "house"
, stringRep Pentagon "pentagon"
, stringRep Hexagon "hexagon"
, stringRep Septagon "septagon"
, stringRep Octagon "octagon"
, stringRep DoubleCircle "doublecircle"
, stringRep DoubleOctagon "doubleoctagon"
, stringRep TripleOctagon "tripleoctagon"
, stringRep InvTriangle "invtriangle"
, stringRep InvTrapezium "invtrapezium"
, stringRep InvHouse "invhouse"
, stringRep MDiamond "Mdiamond"
, stringRep MSquare "Msquare"
, stringRep MCircle "Mcircle"
, stringRep Note "note"
, stringRep Tab "tab"
, stringRep Folder "folder"
, stringRep Component "component"
data SmoothType = NoSmooth
| AvgDist
| GraphDist
| PowerDist
| Spring
| TriangleSmooth
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot SmoothType where
unqtDot NoSmooth = text "none"
unqtDot AvgDist = text "avg_dist"
unqtDot GraphDist = text "graph_dist"
unqtDot PowerDist = text "power_dist"
unqtDot RNG = text "rng"
unqtDot Spring = text "spring"
unqtDot TriangleSmooth = text "triangle"
instance ParseDot SmoothType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep NoSmooth "none"
, stringRep AvgDist "avg_dist"
, stringRep GraphDist "graph_dist"
, stringRep PowerDist "power_dist"
, stringRep RNG "rng"
, stringRep Spring "spring"
, stringRep TriangleSmooth "triangle"
data StartType = StartStyle STStyle
| StartSeed Int
| StartStyleSeed STStyle Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StartType where
unqtDot (StartStyle ss) = unqtDot ss
unqtDot (StartSeed s) = unqtDot s
unqtDot (StartStyleSeed ss s) = unqtDot ss <> unqtDot s
instance ParseDot StartType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ do ss <- parseUnqt
s <- parseUnqt
return $ StartStyleSeed ss s
, liftM StartStyle parseUnqt
, liftM StartSeed parseUnqt
data STStyle = RegularStyle
| SelfStyle
| RandomStyle
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot STStyle where
unqtDot RegularStyle = text "regular"
unqtDot SelfStyle = text "self"
unqtDot RandomStyle = text "random"
instance ParseDot STStyle where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep RegularStyle "regular"
, stringRep SelfStyle "self"
, stringRep RandomStyle "random"
data StyleItem = SItem StyleName [String]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StyleItem where
unqtDot (SItem nm args)
| null args = dnm
| otherwise = dnm <> parens args'
dnm = unqtDot nm
args' = hcat . punctuate comma $ map unqtDot args
toDot si@(SItem nm args)
| null args = toDot nm
| otherwise = doubleQuotes $ unqtDot si
unqtListToDot = hcat . punctuate comma . map unqtDot
listToDot [SItem nm []] = toDot nm
listToDot sis = doubleQuotes $ unqtListToDot sis
instance ParseDot StyleItem where
parseUnqt = do nm <- parseUnqt
args <- tryParseList' parseArgs
return $ SItem nm args
parse = quotedParse (liftM2 SItem parseUnqt parseArgs)
liftM (flip SItem []) parse
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt parseComma
parseList = quotedParse parseUnqtList
liftM return parse
parseArgs :: Parse [String]
parseArgs = bracketSep (character '(')
(character ')')
data StyleName = Dashed
| Dotted
| Solid
| Bold
| Invisible
| Filled
| Diagonals
| Rounded
| DD String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StyleName where
unqtDot Dashed = text "dashed"
unqtDot Dotted = text "dotted"
unqtDot Solid = text "solid"
unqtDot Bold = text "bold"
unqtDot Invisible = text "invis"
unqtDot Filled = text "filled"
unqtDot Diagonals = text "diagonals"
unqtDot Rounded = text "rounded"
unqtDot (DD nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (DD nm) = toDot nm
toDot sn = unqtDot sn
instance ParseDot StyleName where
parseUnqt = liftM checkDD parseStyleName
parse = liftM checkDD
$ quotedParse parseStyleName
do f <- orQuote $ noneOf [quoteChar, '(', ')', ',', ' ', ']']
r <- many (orQuote $ noneOf [quoteChar, '(', ')', ',', ']'])
return $ f:r
checkDD :: String -> StyleName
checkDD str = case map toLower str of
"dashed" -> Dashed
"dotted" -> Dotted
"solid" -> Solid
"bold" -> Bold
"invis" -> Invisible
"filled" -> Filled
"diagonals" -> Diagonals
"rounded" -> Rounded
_ -> DD str
parseStyleName :: Parse String
parseStyleName = do f <- orQuote $ noneOf [quoteChar, '(', ')', ',', ' ']
r <- many (orQuote $ noneOf [quoteChar, '(', ')', ','])
return $ f:r
newtype PortPos = PP CompassPoint
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot PortPos where
unqtDot (PP cp) = unqtDot cp
toDot (PP cp) = toDot cp
instance ParseDot PortPos where
parseUnqt = liftM PP parseUnqt
data CompassPoint = North
| NorthEast
| East
| SouthEast
| South
| SouthWest
| West
| NorthWest
| CenterPoint
| NoCP
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot CompassPoint where
unqtDot NorthEast = text "ne"
unqtDot NorthWest = text "nw"
unqtDot North = text "n"
unqtDot East = text "e"
unqtDot SouthEast = text "se"
unqtDot SouthWest = text "sw"
unqtDot South = text "s"
unqtDot West = text "w"
unqtDot CenterPoint = text "c"
unqtDot NoCP = text "_"
instance ParseDot CompassPoint where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep NorthEast "ne"
, stringRep NorthWest "nw"
, stringRep North "n"
, stringRep SouthEast "se"
, stringRep SouthWest "sw"
, stringRep South "s"
, stringRep East "e"
, stringRep West "w"
, stringRep CenterPoint "c"
, stringRep NoCP "_"
data ViewPort = VP { wVal :: Double
, hVal :: Double
, zVal :: Double
, focus :: Maybe FocusType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ViewPort where
unqtDot vp = maybe vs ((<>) (vs <> comma) . unqtDot)
$ focus vp
vs = hcat . punctuate comma
$ map (unqtDot . flip ($) vp) [wVal, hVal, zVal]
toDot = doubleQuotes . unqtDot
instance ParseDot ViewPort where
parseUnqt = do wv <- parseUnqt
hv <- parseUnqt
zv <- parseUnqt
mf <- optional $ parseComma >> parseUnqt
return $ VP wv hv zv mf
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
data FocusType = XY Point
| NodeFocus String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot FocusType where
unqtDot (XY p) = unqtDot p
unqtDot (NodeFocus nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (XY p) = toDot p
toDot (NodeFocus nm) = toDot nm
instance ParseDot FocusType where
parseUnqt = liftM XY parseUnqt
liftM NodeFocus parseUnqt
parse = liftM XY parse
liftM NodeFocus parse
data VerticalPlacement = VTop
| VCenter
| VBottom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot VerticalPlacement where
unqtDot VTop = char 't'
unqtDot VCenter = char 'c'
unqtDot VBottom = char 'b'
instance ParseDot VerticalPlacement where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep VTop "t"
, stringRep VCenter "c"
, stringRep VBottom "b"
data ScaleType = UniformScale
| NoScale
| FillWidth
| FillHeight
| FillBoth
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ScaleType where
unqtDot UniformScale = unqtDot True
unqtDot NoScale = unqtDot False
unqtDot FillWidth = text "width"
unqtDot FillHeight = text "height"
unqtDot FillBoth = text "both"
instance ParseDot ScaleType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep UniformScale "true"
, stringRep NoScale "false"
, stringRep FillWidth "width"
, stringRep FillHeight "height"
, stringRep FillBoth "both"
data Justification = JLeft
| JRight
| JCenter
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Justification where
unqtDot JLeft = char 'l'
unqtDot JRight = char 'r'
unqtDot JCenter = char 'c'
instance ParseDot Justification where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep JLeft "l"
, stringRep JRight "r"
, stringRep JCenter "c"
data Ratios = AspectRatio Double
| FillRatio
| CompressRatio
| ExpandRatio
| AutoRatio
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Ratios where
unqtDot (AspectRatio r) = unqtDot r
unqtDot FillRatio = text "fill"
unqtDot CompressRatio = text "compress"
unqtDot ExpandRatio = text "expand"
unqtDot AutoRatio = text "auto"
instance ParseDot Ratios where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftM AspectRatio parseUnqt
, stringRep FillRatio "fill"
, stringRep CompressRatio "compress"
, stringRep ExpandRatio "expand"
, stringRep AutoRatio "auto"