-- |-- Module : Data.ByteString.Search.KnuthMorrisPratt-- Copyright : Justin Bailey-- Chris Kuklewicz-- Daniel Fischer-- Licence : BSD3-- Maintainer : Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer@googlemail.com>-- Stability : Provisional-- Portability : non-portable (BangPatterns)---- Fast non-overlapping Knuth-Morris-Pratt search of both strict and-- lazy 'Data.ByteString.ByteString' values.---- A description of the algorithm can be found at-- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth-Morris-Pratt_algorithm>.---- Original authors: Justin Bailey (jgbailey at gmail.com) and-- Chris Kuklewicz (haskell at list.mightyreason.com).
module Data.ByteString.Search.KnuthMorrisPratt
{-# DEPRECATED "Use the new interface instead" #-}
-- * Overview-- $overview-- ** Changes-- $changes-- ** Deprecation-- $deprecation-- ** Parameter and return types-- $types-- ** Lazy ByteStrings-- $lazy-- * Partial application-- $partial-- * Complexity and Performance-- $complexity-- * Functions
, matchLS
, matchSS
, matchSL
) where
import Data.ByteString.Search.Internal.KnuthMorrisPratt
(matchLL, matchLS, matchSL, matchSS)
-- $overview---- This module exists only for backwards compatibility. Nevertheless-- there have been small changes in the behaviour of the functions.-- The module exports four search functions: 'matchLL', 'matchLS',-- 'matchSL', and 'matchSS'. All of them return the list of all-- starting positions of non-overlapping occurrences of a pattern-- in a string.-- $changes---- Formerly, all four functions returned an empty list when passed-- an empty pattern. Now, in accordance with the functions from the other-- modules, @matchXY \"\" target = [0 .. 'length' target]@.---- Further, the return type of 'matchLS' and 'matchSS' has changed to-- @['Int']@, since strict 'Data.ByteString.ByteString's are 'Int'-indexed.-- $deprecation---- This module is /deprecated/. You should use the new interface provided-- in "Data.ByteString.Search.KMP" and "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search.KMP"-- or the generally faster functions from "Data.ByteString.Search" and-- "Data.ByteString.Search.DFA", respectively the lazy versions.-- $types---- The first parameter is always the pattern string. The second-- parameter is always the target string to be searched. The returned-- list contains the offsets of all /non-overlapping/ patterns.---- A returned @Int@ or @Int64@ is an index into the target string-- which is aligned to the head of the pattern string. Strict targets-- return @Int@ indices and lazy targets return @Int64@ indices. All-- returned lists are computed and returned in a lazy fashion.-- $lazy---- 'matchLL' and 'matchLS' take lazy bytestrings as patterns. For-- performance, if the pattern is not a single strict chunk then all-- the the pattern chunks will copied into a concatenated strict-- bytestring. This limits the patterns to a length of (maxBound ::-- Int).---- 'matchLL' and 'matchSL' take lazy bytestrings as targets.-- These are written so that while they work they will not retain a-- reference to all the earlier parts of the the lazy bytestring.-- This means the garbage collector would be able to keep only a small-- amount of the target string and free the rest.-- $partial---- These functions can all be usefully partially applied. Given only a-- pattern, the auxiliary data will be computed only once, allowing for-- efficient re-use.-- $complexity---- The preprocessing of the pattern is /O/(@patternLength@) in time and space.-- The time complexity of the searching phase is /O/(@targetLength@) for all-- functions.---- In most cases, these functions are considerably slower than the-- Boyer-Moore variants, performance is close to that of those from-- "Data.ByteString.Search.DFA" resp. "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search.DFA".