{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DefaultSignatures, EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleInstances,
FunctionalDependencies, KindSignatures, OverlappingInstances,
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances,
ViewPatterns, NamedFieldPuns, FlexibleContexts, PatternGuards,
RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.Aeson.Types.Generic ( ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), (<|>), pure)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Aeson.Types.Instances
import Data.Aeson.Types.Internal
import Data.Bits
import Data.DList (DList, toList, empty)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM
instance (GToJSON a) => GToJSON (M1 i c a) where
gToJSON opts = gToJSON opts . unM1
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
instance (ToJSON a) => GToJSON (K1 i a) where
gToJSON _opts = toJSON . unK1
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
instance GToJSON U1 where
gToJSON _opts _ = emptyArray
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
instance (ConsToJSON a) => GToJSON (C1 c a) where
gToJSON opts = consToJSON opts . unM1
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
instance ( WriteProduct a, WriteProduct b
, ProductSize a, ProductSize b ) => GToJSON (a :*: b) where
gToJSON opts p =
Array $ V.create $ do
mv <- VM.unsafeNew lenProduct
writeProduct opts mv 0 lenProduct p
return mv
lenProduct = (unTagged2 :: Tagged2 (a :*: b) Int -> Int)
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
instance ( AllNullary (a :+: b) allNullary
, SumToJSON (a :+: b) allNullary ) => GToJSON (a :+: b) where
gToJSON opts = (unTagged :: Tagged allNullary Value -> Value)
. sumToJSON opts
{-# INLINE gToJSON #-}
class SumToJSON f allNullary where
sumToJSON :: Options -> f a -> Tagged allNullary Value
instance ( GetConName f
, TaggedObject f
, ObjectWithSingleField f
, TwoElemArray f ) => SumToJSON f True where
sumToJSON opts
| allNullaryToStringTag opts = Tagged . String . pack
. constructorTagModifier opts . getConName
| otherwise = Tagged . nonAllNullarySumToJSON opts
{-# INLINE sumToJSON #-}
instance ( TwoElemArray f
, TaggedObject f
, ObjectWithSingleField f ) => SumToJSON f False where
sumToJSON opts = Tagged . nonAllNullarySumToJSON opts
{-# INLINE sumToJSON #-}
nonAllNullarySumToJSON :: ( TwoElemArray f
, TaggedObject f
, ObjectWithSingleField f
) => Options -> f a -> Value
nonAllNullarySumToJSON opts =
case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject{..} -> object . taggedObject opts tagFieldName
ObjectWithSingleField -> Object . objectWithSingleField opts
TwoElemArray -> Array . twoElemArray opts
{-# INLINE nonAllNullarySumToJSON #-}
class TaggedObject f where
taggedObject :: Options -> String -> String -> f a -> [Pair]
instance ( TaggedObject a
, TaggedObject b ) => TaggedObject (a :+: b) where
taggedObject opts tagFieldName contentsFieldName (L1 x) =
taggedObject opts tagFieldName contentsFieldName x
taggedObject opts tagFieldName contentsFieldName (R1 x) =
taggedObject opts tagFieldName contentsFieldName x
{-# INLINE taggedObject #-}
instance ( IsRecord a isRecord
, TaggedObject' a isRecord
, Constructor c ) => TaggedObject (C1 c a) where
taggedObject opts tagFieldName contentsFieldName =
(pack tagFieldName .= constructorTagModifier opts
(conName (undefined :: t c a p)) :) .
(unTagged :: Tagged isRecord [Pair] -> [Pair]) .
taggedObject' opts contentsFieldName . unM1
{-# INLINE taggedObject #-}
class TaggedObject' f isRecord where
taggedObject' :: Options -> String -> f a -> Tagged isRecord [Pair]
instance (RecordToPairs f) => TaggedObject' f True where
taggedObject' opts _ = Tagged . toList . recordToPairs opts
{-# INLINE taggedObject' #-}
instance (GToJSON f) => TaggedObject' f False where
taggedObject' opts contentsFieldName =
Tagged . (:[]) . (pack contentsFieldName .=) . gToJSON opts
{-# INLINE taggedObject' #-}
class GetConName f where
getConName :: f a -> String
instance (GetConName a, GetConName b) => GetConName (a :+: b) where
getConName (L1 x) = getConName x
getConName (R1 x) = getConName x
{-# INLINE getConName #-}
instance (Constructor c, GToJSON a, ConsToJSON a) => GetConName (C1 c a) where
getConName = conName
{-# INLINE getConName #-}
class TwoElemArray f where
twoElemArray :: Options -> f a -> V.Vector Value
instance (TwoElemArray a, TwoElemArray b) => TwoElemArray (a :+: b) where
twoElemArray opts (L1 x) = twoElemArray opts x
twoElemArray opts (R1 x) = twoElemArray opts x
{-# INLINE twoElemArray #-}
instance ( GToJSON a, ConsToJSON a
, Constructor c ) => TwoElemArray (C1 c a) where
twoElemArray opts x = V.create $ do
mv <- VM.unsafeNew 2
VM.unsafeWrite mv 0 $ String $ pack $ constructorTagModifier opts
$ conName (undefined :: t c a p)
VM.unsafeWrite mv 1 $ gToJSON opts x
return mv
{-# INLINE twoElemArray #-}
class ConsToJSON f where
consToJSON :: Options -> f a -> Value
class ConsToJSON' f isRecord where
consToJSON' :: Options -> f a -> Tagged isRecord Value
instance ( IsRecord f isRecord
, ConsToJSON' f isRecord ) => ConsToJSON f where
consToJSON opts = (unTagged :: Tagged isRecord Value -> Value)
. consToJSON' opts
{-# INLINE consToJSON #-}
instance (RecordToPairs f) => ConsToJSON' f True where
consToJSON' opts = Tagged . object . toList . recordToPairs opts
{-# INLINE consToJSON' #-}
instance GToJSON f => ConsToJSON' f False where
consToJSON' opts = Tagged . gToJSON opts
{-# INLINE consToJSON' #-}
class RecordToPairs f where
recordToPairs :: Options -> f a -> DList Pair
instance (RecordToPairs a, RecordToPairs b) => RecordToPairs (a :*: b) where
recordToPairs opts (a :*: b) = recordToPairs opts a `mappend`
recordToPairs opts b
{-# INLINE recordToPairs #-}
instance (Selector s, GToJSON a) => RecordToPairs (S1 s a) where
recordToPairs = fieldToPair
{-# INLINE recordToPairs #-}
instance (Selector s, ToJSON a) => RecordToPairs (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a))) where
recordToPairs opts (M1 k1) | omitNothingFields opts
, K1 Nothing <- k1 = empty
recordToPairs opts m1 = fieldToPair opts m1
{-# INLINE recordToPairs #-}
fieldToPair :: (Selector s, GToJSON a) => Options -> S1 s a p -> DList Pair
fieldToPair opts m1 = pure ( pack $ fieldLabelModifier opts $ selName m1
, gToJSON opts (unM1 m1)
{-# INLINE fieldToPair #-}
class WriteProduct f where
writeProduct :: Options
-> VM.MVector s Value
-> Int
-> Int
-> f a
-> ST s ()
instance ( WriteProduct a
, WriteProduct b ) => WriteProduct (a :*: b) where
writeProduct opts mv ix len (a :*: b) = do
writeProduct opts mv ix lenL a
writeProduct opts mv ixR lenR b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
lenL = len `unsafeShiftR` 1
lenL = len `shiftR` 1
lenR = len - lenL
ixR = ix + lenL
{-# INLINE writeProduct #-}
instance (GToJSON a) => WriteProduct a where
writeProduct opts mv ix _ = VM.unsafeWrite mv ix . gToJSON opts
{-# INLINE writeProduct #-}
class ObjectWithSingleField f where
objectWithSingleField :: Options -> f a -> Object
instance ( ObjectWithSingleField a
, ObjectWithSingleField b ) => ObjectWithSingleField (a :+: b) where
objectWithSingleField opts (L1 x) = objectWithSingleField opts x
objectWithSingleField opts (R1 x) = objectWithSingleField opts x
{-# INLINE objectWithSingleField #-}
instance ( GToJSON a, ConsToJSON a
, Constructor c ) => ObjectWithSingleField (C1 c a) where
objectWithSingleField opts = H.singleton typ . gToJSON opts
typ = pack $ constructorTagModifier opts $
conName (undefined :: t c a p)
{-# INLINE objectWithSingleField #-}
instance (GFromJSON a) => GFromJSON (M1 i c a) where
gParseJSON opts = fmap M1 . gParseJSON opts
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
instance (FromJSON a) => GFromJSON (K1 i a) where
gParseJSON _opts = fmap K1 . parseJSON
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
instance GFromJSON U1 where
gParseJSON _opts v
| isEmptyArray v = pure U1
| otherwise = typeMismatch "unit constructor (U1)" v
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
instance (ConsFromJSON a) => GFromJSON (C1 c a) where
gParseJSON opts = fmap M1 . consParseJSON opts
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
instance ( FromProduct a, FromProduct b
, ProductSize a, ProductSize b ) => GFromJSON (a :*: b) where
gParseJSON opts = withArray "product (:*:)" $ \arr ->
let lenArray = V.length arr
lenProduct = (unTagged2 :: Tagged2 (a :*: b) Int -> Int)
productSize in
if lenArray == lenProduct
then parseProduct opts arr 0 lenProduct
else fail $ "When expecting a product of " ++ show lenProduct ++
" values, encountered an Array of " ++ show lenArray ++
" elements instead"
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
instance ( AllNullary (a :+: b) allNullary
, ParseSum (a :+: b) allNullary ) => GFromJSON (a :+: b) where
gParseJSON opts = (unTagged :: Tagged allNullary (Parser ((a :+: b) d)) ->
(Parser ((a :+: b) d)))
. parseSum opts
{-# INLINE gParseJSON #-}
class ParseSum f allNullary where
parseSum :: Options -> Value -> Tagged allNullary (Parser (f a))
instance ( SumFromString (a :+: b)
, FromPair (a :+: b)
, FromTaggedObject (a :+: b) ) => ParseSum (a :+: b) True where
parseSum opts
| allNullaryToStringTag opts = Tagged . parseAllNullarySum opts
| otherwise = Tagged . parseNonAllNullarySum opts
{-# INLINE parseSum #-}
instance ( FromPair (a :+: b)
, FromTaggedObject (a :+: b) ) => ParseSum (a :+: b) False where
parseSum opts = Tagged . parseNonAllNullarySum opts
{-# INLINE parseSum #-}
parseAllNullarySum :: SumFromString f => Options -> Value -> Parser (f a)
parseAllNullarySum opts = withText "Text" $ \key ->
maybe (notFound $ unpack key) return $
parseSumFromString opts key
{-# INLINE parseAllNullarySum #-}
class SumFromString f where
parseSumFromString :: Options -> Text -> Maybe (f a)
instance (SumFromString a, SumFromString b) => SumFromString (a :+: b) where
parseSumFromString opts key = (L1 <$> parseSumFromString opts key) <|>
(R1 <$> parseSumFromString opts key)
{-# INLINE parseSumFromString #-}
instance (Constructor c) => SumFromString (C1 c U1) where
parseSumFromString opts key | key == name = Just $ M1 U1
| otherwise = Nothing
name = pack $ constructorTagModifier opts $
conName (undefined :: t c U1 p)
{-# INLINE parseSumFromString #-}
parseNonAllNullarySum :: ( FromPair (a :+: b)
, FromTaggedObject (a :+: b)
) => Options -> Value -> Parser ((a :+: b) c)
parseNonAllNullarySum opts =
case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject{..} ->
withObject "Object" $ \obj -> do
tag <- obj .: pack tagFieldName
fromMaybe (notFound $ unpack tag) $
parseFromTaggedObject opts contentsFieldName obj tag
ObjectWithSingleField ->
withObject "Object" $ \obj ->
case H.toList obj of
[pair@(tag, _)] -> fromMaybe (notFound $ unpack tag) $
parsePair opts pair
_ -> fail "Object doesn't have a single field"
TwoElemArray ->
withArray "Array" $ \arr ->
if V.length arr == 2
then case V.unsafeIndex arr 0 of
String tag -> fromMaybe (notFound $ unpack tag) $
parsePair opts (tag, V.unsafeIndex arr 1)
_ -> fail "First element is not a String"
else fail "Array doesn't have 2 elements"
{-# INLINE parseNonAllNullarySum #-}
class FromTaggedObject f where
parseFromTaggedObject :: Options -> String -> Object -> Text
-> Maybe (Parser (f a))
instance (FromTaggedObject a, FromTaggedObject b) =>
FromTaggedObject (a :+: b) where
parseFromTaggedObject opts contentsFieldName obj tag =
(fmap L1 <$> parseFromTaggedObject opts contentsFieldName obj tag) <|>
(fmap R1 <$> parseFromTaggedObject opts contentsFieldName obj tag)
{-# INLINE parseFromTaggedObject #-}
instance ( FromTaggedObject' f
, Constructor c ) => FromTaggedObject (C1 c f) where
parseFromTaggedObject opts contentsFieldName obj tag
| tag == name = Just $ M1 <$> parseFromTaggedObject'
opts contentsFieldName obj
| otherwise = Nothing
name = pack $ constructorTagModifier opts $
conName (undefined :: t c f p)
{-# INLINE parseFromTaggedObject #-}
class FromTaggedObject' f where
parseFromTaggedObject' :: Options -> String -> Object -> Parser (f a)
class FromTaggedObject'' f isRecord where
parseFromTaggedObject'' :: Options -> String -> Object
-> Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a))
instance ( IsRecord f isRecord
, FromTaggedObject'' f isRecord
) => FromTaggedObject' f where
parseFromTaggedObject' opts contentsFieldName =
(unTagged :: Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a)) -> Parser (f a)) .
parseFromTaggedObject'' opts contentsFieldName
{-# INLINE parseFromTaggedObject' #-}
instance (FromRecord f) => FromTaggedObject'' f True where
parseFromTaggedObject'' opts _ = Tagged . parseRecord opts
{-# INLINE parseFromTaggedObject'' #-}
instance (GFromJSON f) => FromTaggedObject'' f False where
parseFromTaggedObject'' opts contentsFieldName = Tagged .
(gParseJSON opts <=< (.: pack contentsFieldName))
{-# INLINE parseFromTaggedObject'' #-}
class ConsFromJSON f where
consParseJSON :: Options -> Value -> Parser (f a)
class ConsFromJSON' f isRecord where
consParseJSON' :: Options -> Value -> Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a))
instance ( IsRecord f isRecord
, ConsFromJSON' f isRecord
) => ConsFromJSON f where
consParseJSON opts = (unTagged :: Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a)) -> Parser (f a))
. consParseJSON' opts
{-# INLINE consParseJSON #-}
instance (FromRecord f) => ConsFromJSON' f True where
consParseJSON' opts = Tagged . (withObject "record (:*:)" $ parseRecord opts)
{-# INLINE consParseJSON' #-}
instance (GFromJSON f) => ConsFromJSON' f False where
consParseJSON' opts = Tagged . gParseJSON opts
{-# INLINE consParseJSON' #-}
class FromRecord f where
parseRecord :: Options -> Object -> Parser (f a)
instance (FromRecord a, FromRecord b) => FromRecord (a :*: b) where
parseRecord opts obj = (:*:) <$> parseRecord opts obj
<*> parseRecord opts obj
{-# INLINE parseRecord #-}
instance (Selector s, GFromJSON a) => FromRecord (S1 s a) where
parseRecord opts = maybe (notFound label) (gParseJSON opts)
. H.lookup (pack label)
label = fieldLabelModifier opts $ selName (undefined :: t s a p)
{-# INLINE parseRecord #-}
instance (Selector s, FromJSON a) => FromRecord (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a))) where
parseRecord opts obj = (M1 . K1) <$> obj .:? pack label
label = fieldLabelModifier opts $
selName (undefined :: t s (K1 i (Maybe a)) p)
{-# INLINE parseRecord #-}
class ProductSize f where
productSize :: Tagged2 f Int
instance (ProductSize a, ProductSize b) => ProductSize (a :*: b) where
productSize = Tagged2 $ unTagged2 (productSize :: Tagged2 a Int) +
unTagged2 (productSize :: Tagged2 b Int)
{-# INLINE productSize #-}
instance ProductSize (S1 s a) where
productSize = Tagged2 1
{-# INLINE productSize #-}
class FromProduct f where
parseProduct :: Options -> Array -> Int -> Int -> Parser (f a)
instance (FromProduct a, FromProduct b) => FromProduct (a :*: b) where
parseProduct opts arr ix len =
(:*:) <$> parseProduct opts arr ix lenL
<*> parseProduct opts arr ixR lenR
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
lenL = len `unsafeShiftR` 1
lenL = len `shiftR` 1
ixR = ix + lenL
lenR = len - lenL
{-# INLINE parseProduct #-}
instance (GFromJSON a) => FromProduct (S1 s a) where
parseProduct opts arr ix _ = gParseJSON opts $ V.unsafeIndex arr ix
{-# INLINE parseProduct #-}
class FromPair f where
parsePair :: Options -> Pair -> Maybe (Parser (f a))
instance (FromPair a, FromPair b) => FromPair (a :+: b) where
parsePair opts pair = (fmap L1 <$> parsePair opts pair) <|>
(fmap R1 <$> parsePair opts pair)
{-# INLINE parsePair #-}
instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a) => FromPair (C1 c a) where
parsePair opts (tag, value)
| tag == tag' = Just $ gParseJSON opts value
| otherwise = Nothing
tag' = pack $ constructorTagModifier opts $
conName (undefined :: t c a p)
{-# INLINE parsePair #-}
class IsRecord (f :: * -> *) isRecord | f -> isRecord
instance (IsRecord f isRecord) => IsRecord (f :*: g) isRecord
instance IsRecord (M1 S NoSelector f) False
instance (IsRecord f isRecord) => IsRecord (M1 S c f) isRecord
instance IsRecord (K1 i c) True
instance IsRecord U1 False
class AllNullary (f :: * -> *) allNullary | f -> allNullary
instance ( AllNullary a allNullaryL
, AllNullary b allNullaryR
, And allNullaryL allNullaryR allNullary
) => AllNullary (a :+: b) allNullary
instance AllNullary a allNullary => AllNullary (M1 i c a) allNullary
instance AllNullary (a :*: b) False
instance AllNullary (K1 i c) False
instance AllNullary U1 True
data True
data False
class And bool1 bool2 bool3 | bool1 bool2 -> bool3
instance And True True True
instance And False False False
instance And False True False
instance And True False False
newtype Tagged s b = Tagged {unTagged :: b}
newtype Tagged2 (s :: * -> *) b = Tagged2 {unTagged2 :: b}
notFound :: String -> Parser a
notFound key = fail $ "The key \"" ++ key ++ "\" was not found"
{-# INLINE notFound #-}