{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}
module Data.Aeson.Generic
{-# DEPRECATED "This module will be /REMOVED/ in version Please switch to GHC generics or Data.Aeson.TH instead. These alternatives are less buggy, faster, and more configurable." #-}
, decode'
, encode
, fromJSON
, toJSON
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Aeson.Functions
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), fromJSON)
import Data.Attoparsec.Number (Number)
import Data.Generics
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Aeson.Parser.Internal (decodeWith, json, json')
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as E
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as DT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
encode :: (Data a) => a -> L.ByteString
encode = E.encode . toJSON
{-# INLINE encode #-}
decode :: (Data a) => L.ByteString -> Maybe a
decode = decodeWith json fromJSON
{-# INLINE decode #-}
decode' :: (Data a) => L.ByteString -> Maybe a
decode' = decodeWith json' fromJSON
{-# INLINE decode' #-}
type T a = a -> Value
toJSON :: (Data a) => a -> Value
toJSON = toJSON_generic
`ext1Q` maybe Null toJSON
`ext1Q` list
`ext1Q` vector
`ext1Q` set
`ext2Q'` mapAny
`ext2Q'` hashMapAny
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Integer)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int8)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int16)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int32)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Int64)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word8)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word16)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word32)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Word64)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Double)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Number)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Float)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Rational)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Char)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Text)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T LT.Text)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T String)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T T.Value)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T DotNetTime)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T UTCTime)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T IntSet)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T Bool)
`extQ` (T.toJSON :: T ())
list xs = Array . V.fromList . map toJSON $ xs
vector v = Array . V.map toJSON $ v
set s = Array . V.fromList . map toJSON . Set.toList $ s
mapAny m
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = remap id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = remap LT.toStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = remap pack
| otherwise = modError "toJSON" $
"cannot convert map keyed by type " ++ show tyrep
where tyrep = typeOf . head . Map.keys $ m
remap f = Object . mapHashKeyVal (f . fromJust . cast) toJSON $ m
hashMapAny m
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = remap id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = remap LT.toStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = remap pack
| otherwise = modError "toJSON" $
"cannot convert map keyed by type " ++ show tyrep
where tyrep = typeOf . head . H.keys $ m
remap f = Object . mapKeyVal (f . fromJust . cast) toJSON $ m
toJSON_generic :: (Data a) => a -> Value
toJSON_generic = generic
generic a =
case dataTypeRep (dataTypeOf a) of
AlgRep [] -> Null
AlgRep [c] -> encodeArgs c (gmapQ toJSON a)
AlgRep _ -> encodeConstr (toConstr a) (gmapQ toJSON a)
rep -> err (dataTypeOf a) rep
err dt r = modError "toJSON" $ "not AlgRep " ++
show r ++ "(" ++ show dt ++ ")"
encodeConstr c [] = String . constrString $ c
encodeConstr c as = object [(constrString c, encodeArgs c as)]
constrString = pack . showConstr
encodeArgs c = encodeArgs' (constrFields c)
encodeArgs' [] [j] = j
encodeArgs' [] js = Array . V.fromList $ js
encodeArgs' ns js = object $ zip (map pack ns) js
fromJSON :: (Data a) => Value -> Result a
fromJSON = parse parseJSON
type F a = Parser a
parseJSON :: (Data a) => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON j = parseJSON_generic j
`ext1R` maybeP
`ext1R` list
`ext1R` vector
`ext2R'` mapAny
`ext2R'` hashMapAny
`extR` (value :: F Integer)
`extR` (value :: F Int)
`extR` (value :: F Int8)
`extR` (value :: F Int16)
`extR` (value :: F Int32)
`extR` (value :: F Int64)
`extR` (value :: F Word)
`extR` (value :: F Word8)
`extR` (value :: F Word16)
`extR` (value :: F Word32)
`extR` (value :: F Word64)
`extR` (value :: F Double)
`extR` (value :: F Number)
`extR` (value :: F Float)
`extR` (value :: F Rational)
`extR` (value :: F Char)
`extR` (value :: F Text)
`extR` (value :: F LT.Text)
`extR` (value :: F String)
`extR` (value :: F T.Value)
`extR` (value :: F DotNetTime)
`extR` (value :: F UTCTime)
`extR` (value :: F IntSet)
`extR` (value :: F Bool)
`extR` (value :: F ())
value :: (T.FromJSON a) => Parser a
value = T.parseJSON j
maybeP :: (Data a) => Parser (Maybe a)
maybeP = if j == Null then return Nothing else Just <$> parseJSON j
list :: (Data a) => Parser [a]
list = V.toList <$> parseJSON j
vector :: (Data a) => Parser (V.Vector a)
vector = case j of
Array js -> V.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
mapAny :: forall e f. (Data e, Data f) => Parser (Map.Map f e)
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = process id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = process LT.fromStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = process DT.unpack
| otherwise = myFail
process f = maybe myFail return . cast =<< parseWith f
parseWith :: (Ord c) => (Text -> c) -> Parser (Map.Map c e)
parseWith f = case j of
Object js -> Map.fromList . map (first f) . H.toList <$>
T.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
tyrep = typeOf (undefined :: f)
hashMapAny :: forall e f. (Data e, Data f) => Parser (H.HashMap f e)
| tyrep == typeOf DT.empty = process id
| tyrep == typeOf LT.empty = process LT.fromStrict
| tyrep == typeOf "" = process DT.unpack
| otherwise = myFail
process f = maybe myFail return . cast =<< parseWith f
parseWith :: (Eq c, Hashable c) => (Text -> c) -> Parser (H.HashMap c e)
parseWith f = case j of
Object js -> mapKey f <$> T.mapM parseJSON js
_ -> myFail
tyrep = typeOf (undefined :: f)
myFail = modFail "parseJSON" $ "bad data: " ++ show j
parseJSON_generic :: (Data a) => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON_generic j = generic
typ = dataTypeOf $ resType generic
generic = case dataTypeRep typ of
AlgRep [] -> case j of
Null -> return (modError "parseJSON" "empty type")
_ -> modFail "parseJSON" "no-constr bad data"
AlgRep [_] -> decodeArgs (indexConstr typ 1) j
AlgRep _ -> do (c, j') <- getConstr typ j; decodeArgs c j'
rep -> modFail "parseJSON" $
show rep ++ "(" ++ show typ ++ ")"
getConstr t (Object o) | [(s, j')] <- fromJSObject o = do
c <- readConstr' t s
return (c, j')
getConstr t (String js) = do c <- readConstr' t (unpack js)
return (c, Null)
getConstr _ _ = modFail "parseJSON" "bad constructor encoding"
readConstr' t s =
maybe (modFail "parseJSON" $ "unknown constructor: " ++ s ++ " " ++
show t)
return $ readConstr t s
decodeArgs c0 = go (numConstrArgs (resType generic) c0) c0
(constrFields c0)
go 0 c _ Null = construct c []
go 1 c [] jd = construct c [jd]
go _ c [] (Array js) = construct c (V.toList js)
go _ c fs@(_:_) (Object o) = selectFields o fs >>=
construct c
go _ c _ jd = modFail "parseJSON" $
"bad decodeArgs data " ++ show (c, jd)
fromJSObject = map (first unpack) . H.toList
construct c = evalStateT $ fromConstrM f c
where f :: (Data a) => StateT [Value] Parser a
f = do js <- get
case js of
[] -> lift $ modFail "construct" "empty list"
(j':js') -> do put js'; lift $ parseJSON j'
selectFields fjs = mapM $ \f ->
maybe (modFail "parseJSON" $ "field does not exist " ++ f) return $
H.lookup (pack f) fjs
numConstrArgs :: (Data a) => a -> Constr -> Int
numConstrArgs x c = execState (fromConstrM f c `asTypeOf` return x) 0
where f = do modify (+1); return undefined
resType :: MonadPlus m => m a -> a
resType _ = modError "parseJSON" "resType"
modFail :: (Monad m) => String -> String -> m a
modFail func err = fail $ "Data.Aeson.Generic." ++ func ++ ": " ++ err
modError :: String -> String -> a
modError func err = error $ "Data.Aeson.Generic." ++ func ++ ": " ++ err
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
ext2' :: (Data a, Typeable t)
ext2' :: (Data a, Typeable2 t)
=> c a
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
-> c a
ext2' def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
ext2Q' :: (Data d, Typeable t)
ext2Q' :: (Data d, Typeable2 t)
=> (d -> q)
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
-> d -> q
ext2Q' def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2'` (Q ext))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
ext2R' :: (Monad m, Data d, Typeable t)
ext2R' :: (Monad m, Data d, Typeable2 t)
=> m d
-> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => m (t d1 d2))
-> m d
ext2R' def ext = unR ((R def) `ext2'` (R ext))
newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }
newtype R m x = R { unR :: m x }